New Thunderbolt owner. Suggestions?


New Member
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hey Everyone-

Just got the Thunderbolt, and so far it seems like a great phone.

Any immediate concerns and/or advice you may have for me?

Any immediate "hacks" or upgrades I should be aware of? I know i can add skins and such but in all honesty, right now I do not know how to do all that. At this point im just looking for basic things with the default system i should look into doing. (In other words, not looking into crazy ROM hacks or anything like that as of yet). Just simple- Turn this on, turn this off, update this or add this- type of advice.

Thanks for any input.

Are you in a 4g area? If not i would highly recommend turning off the 4g radio if your not. It will save you a TON on your battery.

Also check out the thread that gives tips for lowering power consumption. Its got some good tips. Battery is the only thing out of the box you really need to worry about. And doing this will improve it greatly.

You picked out a great phone. Its blazing fast.