Need Help with my droid 2


New Member
Nov 12, 2010
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I have a droid 2 that when turned on says the following: BootLoader, D2.35, Batter OK, OK to program, Transfer Mode: USB. What is going on with this phone? Is it rooted? What can I do to get to home screen? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Isn't that the screen you get when flashing sbf?

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I would find the latest version of sbf and the stock droid 2 files then flash it back to stock to see if that fixes it.

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That is the bootloader screen. My question is what did you do to create this issue?

Anyway, flash the sbf and you should be good to go!
If you need the sbf and the two stock droid 2 files to flash hit me up and I can attach them or email them to you.

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thats what my droid says i dropped it in the toilet and it turns on to that and thats all it does what am i suppose to do?
How long ago did you drop it in tha turlet? More important thing is handling any water damage.

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it happened about 2 hours ago i shooked out the extra water and turned it on(stupid idea) and it said that but now ins in a bag of rice
Turn it off pull everything you can and let it dry go on website and search cell phone save

Sent from my etcha-sketch
after it dries, and you are sure it dries (leave it in for at least a day or two (in my experience anyways) try to turn it on and see what happens.

if it boots back into the bootloader, you can get it to recovery and flash the SBF. if it doesnt boot, its time to cash in on your insurance (assuming you pay for it)
Ok but how do I flash the sbf and whats sbf. I have never messed with a phone before and I'm new to this and I don't have insurance so I'm going to let it dry for atleast a week cause I have my old Droid

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Well, an SBF is basically a firmware backup. it is a simular process to how the manufactures install software onto a phone for production release. like a nandroid backup, but it is restored using a program called RSDlite which i believe is used only for motorola phones. it will require a download of the RSD program, the SBF file, and the drivers. i can find you detailed instructions to the process later.
Was it a droid or droid 2 you dropped in the toilet? I have an sbf guide in my sig for the droid 2 and I can find you one for the droid

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