JRummy themed LauncherPRO V0.6.6 TODAYS UPDATE!!
See www.launcherpro.com for Changelog.
Thanks Federico for an awesome Launcher, and thanks Jrummy for all your endless work!
Droid X update themed (thanks Fabulous)
Install as Update.zip
or in using ROM manager reboot into recovery and install .zip from SDcard.
UPDATE*** For those of you wondering, this is mainly a MODIFICATION of LauncherPRO moreso then a "theme"... since this is still in beta this has just a few ping changes to match your JRummy 5.0.9 theme. This includes a custom app drawer handle and a few ping color changes. The DROIDX LauncherPRO has a droidX menu. The rest are stock.
Remember, when you set your dock icons, choose default icon and it will match the color of your theme.
Once this is out of beta I look forward to doing a full LauncherPRO theme for JRummy's Kangerade. Thanks!
See www.launcherpro.com for Changelog.
Thanks Federico for an awesome Launcher, and thanks Jrummy for all your endless work!
Droid X update themed (thanks Fabulous)
Install as Update.zip
or in using ROM manager reboot into recovery and install .zip from SDcard.
UPDATE*** For those of you wondering, this is mainly a MODIFICATION of LauncherPRO moreso then a "theme"... since this is still in beta this has just a few ping changes to match your JRummy 5.0.9 theme. This includes a custom app drawer handle and a few ping color changes. The DROIDX LauncherPRO has a droidX menu. The rest are stock.
Remember, when you set your dock icons, choose default icon and it will match the color of your theme.
Once this is out of beta I look forward to doing a full LauncherPRO theme for JRummy's Kangerade. Thanks!