You guys just don't appreciate android's true potential. While the "beta culture" is a valid point, part of the fun of being on android is the freedom. Yeah, there are bugs. But you get to fix them. You get to mess with your phone. You can go under the hood and tweak to your hearts content. I've got friends who consider themselves true computer nerds but don't know how their iphones work. I got news for you, if you don't know how your smartphone which is becoming the new personal computer in this day and age, if you don't know how your smartphone works under the hood, then you're not a true nerd. If you want something that just works, go get an iphone. You can live in your walled garden and feel like you're in a straight jacket every time you mess with your phone. But me, I'd rather have the most technologically advanced phone with buggy software that I have to (more like get to) fix then an iphone. Because the freedom to me is worth more than the safety of "it just works."
A man not knowing how his phone works is like a man who doesn't know how his car works, or how to change a tire.
Sent from my pre rooted ginger bread, custom themed DROID X2 using DroidForums