i have seen many suggestions to this issue and nothing seems to work. I have a droid with cyanogen v6.0 r3. I love the setup but i am on page plus and only have 20mb/data per month. Before someone says what's the point, i have plenty of access to wi-fi so there is no need to have data. My issue is, my data is currently off but my mms messages do not work since this is the case. I have tried something called droid wall and it does not work for me. I do not know why. I have also tried an apn widget though i don't recall the exact name. All i want is to have my data off all of the time and just have it send mms's on occasion. my standard messaging works great. I am wondering if i am doing anything wrong. Droidwall is pretty self-explanatory and as such i believe i have the settings set right. I have messaging chosen as allowed on 3g in droidwall and still nothing. I have read that this program is fully compatible with cyanogen. Can anyone make a suggestion as to what to do? Is there a pageplus forum on this site i missed? That may be a good idea if there isn't. Thanks to this website and to the amazing community for the ability to post and for the awesome help!