I cannot delete a contact


Active Member
Jan 3, 2010
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can someone explain how a contact cannot be removed from the phone ?

long press, delete contact. contact still there ....
if theyre synced to your gmail acct go on there and delete that, too
this is the second time i've started a post about this, and each time the answer has been to sync with google.
what about just as a stand-alone phone ? i can't manage my contacts here, and i don't store them on google's servers. i was forced to sync with the calendar because i had similar issues when i wasn't syncing and trying to do it all on the phone.

so if you have an android phone you MUST use a google storage service in order for things to work smoothly ? don't care much for that.

other than resetting the phone again, is there any way to reset contacts ?
the only way seems to be syncing with gmail contacts, cleaning up what i dont want on the phone, then syncing again.

so i have my contacts the way i want, its an unnecessary hassle to have to do this...but anyway it worked.

so now onto another problem: i have multiple numbers in a single contact, but when browsing and viewing the contact (not editing), it only lists one number. when i edit i see the other #s, so not sure why this is happening.

the contact i am seeing this with contains calling card strings- the toll free number, 'wait' my security code, 'wait' the number i want to call (international).

anyone else know why its doing this ? tried looking into display options in contacts, but nothing in there will make a difference ...