The most hyped phone for me was the Motorola Droid Bionic. It was my first android phone as I was switching over from a Palm Pre+, which I still feel was better in quite a few ways but lacked the high end hardware Moto was producing. The Bionic was supposed to be released in June, but got delayed. The phone finally release on September 8th...which was only 2 months before Motorola released the Droid Razr with a better screen, slimmer profile, and slightly improved specs...followed by the Maxx.
The Droid Bionic was super hyped as it was going to be the first Dual Core 4G LTE phone, came with the lapdock software, and looked like the proper descendant of the Original Droid. I woke up early, drove to Costco, closer than a Verizon store, stood in line with 10 other people to get the phone, and then found out that their shipment got delayed and wouldn't be in until the afternoon. I got back in the car, drove to the Verizon store and was the 6th person to get the phone in the store. 4G was amazingly fast compared to 3G and the phone was amazing until...
I started noticing that the phone would droid data all the time and only a reboot would get it back. Then it would drop phone calls when driving through 3G and 4G areas. The phone was great if you didn't want to surf the web or make phone calls reliably. Verizon promised updates and they never came. I wanted to hold off rooting and romming as I had a lot of fun modding my Pre+, but wanted to see if stock android was better. I rooted and rommed it to get ICS months before the official release and it vastly improved the data drops, however, it was never reliable. I kept the phone for a year and a half before switching to the Galaxy Nexus (Toro). I still really liked the Bionic, however, it was far from perfect. From this fiasco I swore off buying a new phone until reviews from real users came out. Currently rocking a Droid Maxx Developer Edition xposed out and can't find anything to complain about other than not liking the newest update.
The Droid Bionic was originally going to look like this:
...but got completely redesigned after all of the Q1 conferences and delays to look like this: