It's great to be back in the saddle after being sick last week. I want to take a quick moment to shout out my appreciation for @pc747, @Jeffrey & @wicked, for covering things for me while I was incapacitated!
It looks like there is something interesting I missed. This morning's big news is that HTC shot down the rumors that they were merging with Asus. Interesting! Here's HTC's rather emphatic statement on the matter:
"[HTC] has not made any contact with Asus regarding this matter, and it will not consider a merger with Asus."
This memo was posted on the Taiwan stock exchange site, so it's as public as it can be. Apparently, the part of the story I missed previously is that the Chairman of Asus, Johnny Shih, suggested recently that Asus was considering buying HTC. Here's another quote with a few more details,
Asus chairman Johnny Shih said last week the company would not rule out the possibility of acquiring the struggling smartphone maker. Its chief financial officer later told Reuters Shih had "chatted about the topic internally." ~ Reuters
It looks like it won't be Asus coming to the rescue of HTC after-all. What do you folks think? Will some other company swoop in and save the sinking HTC?