How do you take pictures off the SD card and put it on the phone?


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
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For the life of me, i cannot seem to figure this out. I work for Verizon too, and a customer asked me this today, i felt pretty bad that i couldnt help her out with it. but yea...any help would be appreciated...thanks in advance!

:icon_ banana::icon_ banana:
What do you mean by put it on the phone? Are you just trying to use a picture as a wallpaper or something? That can be done from the SD card. Long press the desktop, choose Wallpapers, and then Pictures.
no, i mean saving it from the SD card memory to the phones memory.
you'll need to go to the market and download one of the free 3rd party apps like explorer or astro file manager. then you can browse to the folder where the pictures are saved on the sd card and copy them from the sd card to the internal memory.
Of all the... Did they tell you WHY they wanted to do that? Just curious.
As atlharry implied it is probably not the best of ideas. The internal memory is limited and I don't think moving it there allows you to do anything with it you could not do with it on the SD card.