holster magnet will turn your phone on


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
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So I have my new droid and it is not without remorse that I have given up my Storm. Comparing the two I find that the storm is both a superb phone and e-mail device and the droid is a great browser with lots of great apps. It however, is not a great phone or e-mail device. It appears to have been designed by a group of propeller heads at Motorola who were looking for clever cool way to do things not a platform for power users of communication devices. Why would you need to push a top button and move a silly dial to use a touch screen phone? For those of you thinking that you may want to us a holster with a magnet to carry your phone don’t, the magnet will turn the device on and your movements will create all kinds of confusion with your data. Funny both Verizon and Moto’s tech support didn’t know this and acted like I was the cause of these data problems. Hmmmm. I also received this grain of wisdom from the Moto tech to do a hard boot e.g. pull the battery after you load an app because any new app can cause problems after loading – in my case my e-mails stopped working! I haven’t given up yet (I still have my Storm) but I am getting close even with its great browser the Jury is still out on Droid. By the way the next time you call Tech Support ask them what phone they use so far out of 5 calls none had a droid as of yet.
If you load the DROID into the holster with screen facing inward (natural movement from using) then it wont activate. I found out placing the droid in the holster with screen out activates docking mode.
Magnet issue

I have a purse with a cell phone compartment. It has a flap with a magnet to hold the flap down. When I put my phone in with the screen facing either way, it automatically turns on. I didn't realize this at first and found the battery totally drained in the morning several times. This is ridiculous!!! I've used the same purse with several phones, including my ipod touch, and this did not happen with any of them.
I also find that sometimes, when turning on the phone - after not using it for an extended period, it will not be locked.
I also agree that it is a ROYAL pain to have to turn the phone on, unlock it, and then answer or make a call.
The Motorola techies certainly didn't use this in real-life before introducing it to the marketplace. It sure sounded like a great device - on paper!
When I changed from Voyager to Droid I kept my old holster. It was actually for an Samsung smart phone, but it fit the Droid. Whenever I pulled the phone out of the holster, it was changing from Car Mode. Then I saw a pdf from Verizon talking about the coming update. The first thing it said was to discourage buyers from getting a holster with a magnet and to suggest ones that use Velcro. When I saw that I changed holsters. You can see the pdf at http://phandroid.com/2009/11/09/motorola-droid-and-htc-droid-eris-ota-updates-coming-december-11th/
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soooooo why join the forum, just take your droid back..

Very happy with mine...

Those motoheads as you called them did a hell of a job in my book...As my blackberry sits in a drawer collecting dust...

Hey food for thought...Wanna buy a blackberry cheap?
So wait, you took a phone which uses magnets in a dock to activate features and didn't think it'd cause a problem in a holster which uses a magnet?

Say that back to yourself 5 times.

:icon_ banana:
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If you load the DROID into the holster with screen facing inward (natural movement from using) then it wont activate. I found out placing the droid in the holster with screen out activates docking mode.

Both of my holsters have a magnet in the center of the flap and either way I place the Droid (facing out/facing in) I have yet to activate the docking mode when placed in either holster. :)
So I have had my droid for about 2 weeks now. The 2nd day I had it, I figured out what was causing my phone to unlock and drain the battery. Like "Trever1t" said..if I placed the phone with the screen facing me, it would unlock it and go into a "dock" mode, but I no longer have the problem with the screen facing outwards. I do however believe that there should be a single option in the settings to disable the docking mode. That would keep any accidental magnetic encounters of the 3rd kind from unlocking the phone with the user not knowing. I LOVE my :reddroid:Droid:greendroid:, and its been about a month...give them some time to push some OTA updates.

Just my .02

magnets never effected my old rotary dial phone and I never had issues with the battery draining... kids these days and their fancy pants gadgets

seriously? my crackberry CONSTANTLY shut OFF cuz of the freakin magnet in the holster. That's assuming the thing had the battery because I had to constantly remove and replace the battery, it froze habitually.

did you not do your research before purchasing because I know I did and saw numerous times that magnets will put the droid into dockmode... I don't get why people trash something
1. if they didn't do simple basic research
2. are incapable of allowing time for a learning curve
3. just simply return the device and go back to the other one you liked better

seriously... I just realised I dunno what the bigger waste of energy is, signing up for a forum just to gripe about something or that I spent time responding to it.

ugh I need coffee...
It seems that some people complain when there ice is too cold :icon_eek:
I actually didn't know about the magnet effect. Once I read about it, I started grabbing fridge magnets to play as well as the holster for my work BB. I put ghost armor on the Droid and put it in my pocket anyway so it isn't an issue. That being said...I am now considering the docking station because that is just KEWL!!! I downloaded the app so I could see what it looks like and so far I am impressed.