Hidden Camera Settings For The Moto G Can Be Unlocked


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Oct 6, 2011
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There are quite a few settings in most OEM camera apps that can help you to get the best shots possible on the tiny high quality camera that is built right into your phone. If you know what you are doing tinkering with these settings can make you seem like a true Annie Liebovitz to your friends. Alternatively you can really take some awful shots if you don't know what you are doing. For those photography gurus the camera on a phone and the app can make or break the decision to buy a particular device.

The Moto G comes with quite a few camera settings, but there are actually a few more available that are hidden by default. These settings can really help you to tweak your photos to the best possible quality once unlocked. Hidden features include Calibration Data, UI settings, feature settings, KPI (msec), and Current (mAH). Unlocking these settings is pretty easy head to the link below for the full guide.

Interesting array of additional settings and metrics. Now it's going to take some time to explore them all and understand how they function and the effects they produce.