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Hello fellow Droidians!


New Member
Well, I got my Droid and it was either join a forum like this or go back to school for my EE and computer science degrees.Seriously, This site is great. It is so helpful learning from others experience and suggestions.This is my first smart phone, had a Rzr before this, and researched smart phones and the Droid seemed great.
I laugh when people complain it's too square. It 's functionality that's important to me.

I love my Droid but hate Verizon.

Waiting for a good Decompression app for scuba That would be awesome.
Also would like some better stock market apps.
I'm looking for info on the best accessories and places to get them: batteries, chargers, apps, etc. I'm waiting a little while longer before changing my Home app and would like to be able to put folders in the app drawer but all in all the Droid is fantastic.
Anyway, Hello and thanks for all the help
Just wanted to extend a healthy hello from DF. Glad to see you've made it aboard. Lol usually it's the other way around.. people love verizon but hate "xxxxx" lol. But either way, if you need any specific help don't hesitate to post, or you can PM me if you can't find anything specific and need help.
Thanks for the welcome.
How can anyone not love their Droid? lol
I will make a post about my "disdain" for Verizon when the matter is finished.
Welcome! You are correct about this forum. It is awesome. It will, however, consume all your free time.

Just curious why you dislike VZW so much?

Why I dislike Verizon

Just wanted to extend a healthy hello from DF. Glad to see you've made it aboard. Lol usually it's the other way around.. people love verizon but hate "xxxxx" lol. But either way, if you need any specific help don't hesitate to post, or you can PM me if you can't find anything specific and need help.

Welcome! You are correct about this forum. It is awesome. It will, however, consume all your free time.

Just curious why you dislike VZW so much?

Well, it's a long story and I wasn't going to post anything for another week or two, but since you asked here it is:
I went into the local Verizon store with my GF to get new phones. We are on the family plan. We have 5 phones on the plan by the way. They only had 1 Droid there and they were getting a delivery later that day. We went back and they didn't have it yet so she got the Droid. I got it 2 days later and they never told me about the 2 for 1 deal that had started. I found out about it when I went on line to check the rebate forms.
So I called Verizon and the customer rep checked our account and said we were qualified for it. She "Put it in our account" that we were entitled to the deal and told us to go back to the store. The store said they couldn't do it but they could take my phone back. and Verizon could send me the phone.
Okay. We called from the store. The rep said they would send it out. But then she couldn't figure out how to process it. She got her supervisor, then he spoke with the store manager and then he spoke with me. He was very rude. Told me I didn't buy it from Verizon. and they would lose $135 if they sent me the phone. To try to shorten the story, the store I went to is an "indirect" Verizon store. It only sells Verizon phones, has Verizon authorized dealer signs all over the place including the lighted sign outside and no other signs. The supervisor told me it was like I was returning something to Target that I bought at Walmart. I said,"but how am I supposed to know what kind of store this is? I went to the "Verizon dealer " in my town and it says it's an authorized dealer." He told me " We don't have unauthorized dealers." then he got even ruder telling me over and over again the Walmart/ Target analogy and how they would lose money and he wasn't going to waste his time because I just didn't get it. At this point I asked for his superior and he said he didn't have one. That's right. I got to speak with the highest ranking supervisor at Verizon. Rather than argue, I just asked for the address to mail a complaint and he refused to give it to me. I then asked if I should just look it up on line and he yelled at me that he was going to give it to me if I gave him a chance. I do not argue with rude people. I just said." Please go ahead and give it to me." Which he finally did. I was now angry. It's more than the $200. I have never spoken with such a rude customer service person in my life, especially a supervisor! The store owner listened to the entire conversation and apologized for Verizon and said to give him a day or 2 and he would take care of it. It's been 3 days now and I haven't heard from him but I wanted to wait at least a week before making a formal complaint to my states Attorney General, and Public Utility Commission. as well as the BBB. Verizon may get my $200 (after $100 rebate) but I want that supervisor brought to task for his rudeness.
As you can tell by my rant, I am angry and I will not let this die. People can only take advantage of you if you let them. If Verizon does not apologize and make me whole after I contact them I will go the other route. I may also seek litigation. As I said; I"m angry.
So that is why I hate Verizon.
( That felt good, releasing some steam.)
Helloooo .. razr sick .... how could you hate verizon? They are a gift to man! lol yes the droid is a great phone.
Just wanted to extend a healthy hello from DF. Glad to see you've made it aboard. Lol usually it's the other way around.. people love verizon but hate "xxxxx" lol. But either way, if you need any specific help don't hesitate to post, or you can PM me if you can't find anything specific and need help.

Welcome! You are correct about this forum. It is awesome. It will, however, consume all your free time.

Just curious why you dislike VZW so much?

Well, it's a long story and I wasn't going to post anything for another week or two, but since you asked here it is:
I went into the local Verizon store with my GF to get new phones. We are on the family plan. We have 5 phones on the plan by the way. They only had 1 Droid there and they were getting a delivery later that day. We went back and they didn't have it yet so she got the Droid. I got it 2 days later and they never told me about the 2 for 1 deal that had started. I found out about it when I went on line to check the rebate forms.
So I called Verizon and the customer rep checked our account and said we were qualified for it. She "Put it in our account" that we were entitled to the deal and told us to go back to the store. The store said they couldn't do it but they could take my phone back. and Verizon could send me the phone.
Okay. We called from the store. The rep said they would send it out. But then she couldn't figure out how to process it. She got her supervisor, then he spoke with the store manager and then he spoke with me. He was very rude. Told me I didn't buy it from Verizon. and they would lose $135 if they sent me the phone. To try to shorten the story, the store I went to is an "indirect" Verizon store. It only sells Verizon phones, has Verizon authorized dealer signs all over the place including the lighted sign outside and no other signs. The supervisor told me it was like I was returning something to Target that I bought at Walmart. I said,"but how am I supposed to know what kind of store this is? I went to the "Verizon dealer " in my town and it says it's an authorized dealer." He told me " We don't have unauthorized dealers." then he got even ruder telling me over and over again the Walmart/ Target analogy and how they would lose money and he wasn't going to waste his time because I just didn't get it. At this point I asked for his superior and he said he didn't have one. That's right. I got to speak with the highest ranking supervisor at Verizon. Rather than argue, I just asked for the address to mail a complaint and he refused to give it to me. I then asked if I should just look it up on line and he yelled at me that he was going to give it to me if I gave him a chance. I do not argue with rude people. I just said." Please go ahead and give it to me." Which he finally did. I was now angry. It's more than the $200. I have never spoken with such a rude customer service person in my life, especially a supervisor! The store owner listened to the entire conversation and apologized for Verizon and said to give him a day or 2 and he would take care of it. It's been 3 days now and I haven't heard from him but I wanted to wait at least a week before making a formal complaint to my states Attorney General, and Public Utility Commission. as well as the BBB. Verizon may get my $200 (after $100 rebate) but I want that supervisor brought to task for his rudeness.
As you can tell by my rant, I am angry and I will not let this die. People can only take advantage of you if you let them. If Verizon does not apologize and make me whole after I contact them I will go the other route. I may also seek litigation. As I said; I"m angry.
So that is why I hate Verizon.
( That felt good, releasing some steam.)

Whew! Sorry you had such a bad experience. Typically, I call the CS or order via the Web and I've always had excellent service.

I forgot to tell you,
I went to Penn State. Graduated in 84!

My badgers are going to take care of Penn st next year :icon_ banana:(wisconsin grad 08')....of course its always next year for us :mad:

anyway, welcome aquabach, I have found this is the best site to find all the information you'll ever need. The people here are great (although 2.1 is a sore subject right now :icon_ devil:) and the mods and news crew keep everyone up-to-date....
Verizon is the only cell phone company I've ever worked with (I used to sell multiple carriers, as well as have had service from nearly all of them at one point) that has been great.

Only one time have I gotten made at them but it was not really their fault:

I called in to try to get an early upgrade as my phone was acting up and I was just not going to put up with the same model again. They basically told me no, you have to wait. This is understandable. However, a few days later I check my inbox and have an email blast from VZW promoting the new customer/upgrade prices on the exact phone I wanted to get.

I was like a little child who had asked for something, gotten told no and then teased with the item.

Thankfully I had the insight to rant about it on FB. Someone came to my rescue, and pulled some strings.

I am now the happy owner of a DROOOOIIIIDD.:icon_ banana:
Verizon is the only cell phone company I've ever worked with (I used to sell multiple carriers, as well as have had service from nearly all of them at one point) that has been great.

Only one time have I gotten made at them but it was not really their fault:

I called in to try to get an early upgrade as my phone was acting up and I was just not going to put up with the same model again. They basically told me no, you have to wait. This is understandable. However, a few days later I check my inbox and have an email blast from VZW promoting the new customer/upgrade prices on the exact phone I wanted to get.

I was like a little child who had asked for something, gotten told no and then teased with the item.
Thankfully I had the insight to rant about it on FB. Someone came to my rescue, and pulled some strings.
I am now the happy owner of a DROOOOIIIIDD.:icon_ banana:
My badgers are going to take care of Penn st next year [IMG said:
http://www.droidforums.net/forum/images/smilies/smile2/icon_%20banana.gif[/IMG](wisconsin grad 08')....of course its always next year for us :mad:
Bpad, keep hoping. It's good to have something to look forward too.

JP, Glad you had a good experience. I would not have gotten mad at them for that. Even the difficulties I ran in to didn't anger me. But when some unprofessional nasty sob is rude, that gets my goat. Especially since he has no superiors at Verizon LOL