Google Voice, and SKYPE?


Jan 29, 2010
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OK, I am going to get my new incredible activated tomorrow, I was unable to do so over the weekend, but I have a few questions about google voice and skype.

Specifically, what is Google Voice? All I have been able to understand about it is that you must be invited to use it, and people seem to like it, but other than that I dont know much about it. What can I do with it? How much does it cost? I dont really know enough about it to know if I want it or not.

I have mostly the same questions about Skype. Is Skype similar to Google Voice at all? What exaclty can I do with Skype? I know that it can make phone calls over WiFi connections? is that true, or does it only work with Verizons 3g service.

I am very confused and would appreciate any help. Thank You!
Google voice gives you a phone number. When someone calls that phone number, you can set any phone of yours to ring. It also gives you a voicemail that transcribes your voicemail messages when they come it. Another feature of GV is free Internet-based texting. Finally you can use GV to make cheap International calls.

Skype on the other hand is VOIP (Voice over IP). Essentially you are using your internet connection to make a call. You can only use it at this point with Verizon 3G. The two services are similar in that they both provide telephony services via the Internet, tough the feature set of each product is mostly different.
Google voice gives you a phone number. When someone calls that phone number, you can set any phone of yours to ring. It also gives you a voicemail that transcribes your voicemail messages when they come it. Another feature of GV is free Internet-based texting. Finally you can use GV to make cheap International calls.

Skype on the other hand is VOIP (Voice over IP). Essentially you are using your internet connection to make a call. You can only use it at this point with Verizon 3G. The two services are similar in that they both provide telephony services via the Internet, tough the feature set of each product is mostly different.

Almost correct! What you've said about Skype applies to GV as well as it to is a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)system as well. Over all I feel my GV gives me more features and most important for now its free. I will after a month and complete switch over to GV i will seek to go to a lower plan as I will have almost stopped using Verizon for texting and will have lowered my billable minutes my receiving most calls in with GV and all outgoing with FV. Google also offers through GV a voice activated Yellow Pages that will call you back as it connects with the look up business.:icon_ banana:
Does anyone know whether one can use GV and then swipe to another browser screen and back? My friend needs to take calls and then consult a web-based scheduling site without disconnecting the call.