Google Maps>> Sent to Droid?


Oct 31, 2009
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Just wondering if there's a way to send maps/ directions you search for on the web to the Google Navigation System on the Droid. I know they have it for cars/ GPS systems Using Maps with your navigation device - Maps Help. But wondering if anyone has figured out how to send it to the droid...or is there an app for that? (iHate saying that last sentence):greendroid:
It's easy. you need to have a "my maps" map in Google maps though. Log into Google maps and create one if you don't have one already.

When you find a map on the web you think you might need for Droid sat-nav, just use the "save to..." link and save it to your My Maps map.

Then, on the Droid, click on maps, then layers, more layers, My Maps, your saved Google map (The Droid grabs it for you). Now you have the layer on your map. Click the small icon in the bottom left, which will bring up all the adresses on your custom Google map. Pick the one you want, then choose navigate. There you go.
The take away knowledge bit here should be that you can bring any Google map into your Droid. Just save it to "My Maps" in your online Google account and you we always have it available for navigating.

For example, here is a great Google map with the best Mexican places in San Diego -
Best San Diego Mexican - Google Maps

Just go to that page, use "save to my maps", and you'll always be able to easily navigate to nay of them from the Droid.
Thanks guys....the My Maps section of Google Maps I never paid attention to....always thought it was if you wanted to plot a specific route on a map.
wow..just tried it: they need a shortcut for that! Tedious!
I can't see my saved maps in my maps on the Droid

I can't see my saved maps in my maps on the Droid. I have vreated a map in my online Google account and followed the instructions above on the droid. maps/layers/more layers/my maps. but I keep getting no my maps found.

I have tried logging into to google on the pc and th droid under my pop3 work email address as well as my gmail address.

got it!

maybe it just took a bit. I went back in and the map was there. Does it look to who you are logged into Google as ON THE DROID? or is it irregardless as long as the sign in email on the PC is the gmail account.

maybe it just took a bit. I went back in and the map was there. Does it look to who you are logged into Google as ON THE DROID? or is it irregardless as long as the sign in email on the PC is the gmail account.


Glad it worked...not sure what your last question is trying to ask......the same email you log into Google via the pc must match the Google email you use on thee Droid/ Google Nav.
correct.. I have a google account that matched my work email account and thought since I signed into Google on the droid with that account that perhaps google maps would use that email account. But the Droid only uses the Gmail account (a requirement of the Droid for a lot of stuff). The Droid does not care or look at who you may have signed into in Google (browser) on the Droid.

I proved by deleting the map in my Gmail Google maps account (PC) and saw the My Map was no longer available on the Droid.

Now I have added one back and think I will need to wait just a bit before it will be available on the Droid.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the quick reply.
basically I think we are not "logging" into Google Maps as anyone on the Droid, it just looks to the gmail account associated w/the Droid.
I have been using and loving this feature for a few months. All of a sudden wheni try to access my maps the maps app can't connect to my maps. Any one else have this issue?