Gmail wont work on other roms. help! please. ((SOLVED))
Hi every one I'm new to this so I'm sorry.
I have a Motorola Droid with voles-userdebug 2.2 FRFxx 49593 test-keys.
I have made a full Nadnroid back up (thankfully). I tested LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.3 and LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.4,and SimplyStunning-v4.7.
On all 3 I can access Gmail or the Android market but show up then 1-2 sec later,they close. For now I went back to my backup and all is good but I would love to try some new roms. Is this a normal problem or am I doing something wrong?
Hi every one I'm new to this so I'm sorry.
I have a Motorola Droid with voles-userdebug 2.2 FRFxx 49593 test-keys.
I have made a full Nadnroid back up (thankfully). I tested LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.3 and LiQuID FroZeN YoGurT v1.4,and SimplyStunning-v4.7.
On all 3 I can access Gmail or the Android market but show up then 1-2 sec later,they close. For now I went back to my backup and all is good but I would love to try some new roms. Is this a normal problem or am I doing something wrong?