You've definitely hit right at home with me on this one although I'm not gonna vote because I own all three +psp+nin.DSi and I love all of them. I'm just an all round gamer, I probably play my 360 more but I play pretty often on my PS3 and watch a lot of Blu Rays, I don't play the Wii as often unless my girlfriend wants to play smash bros. or mario galaxy especially since we just bought the playstation move we play the wii much less. I think the 360 has a more robust and feature rich UI and online system while the PS3 has some of the most amazing visuals I've ever seen and I tend to agree with pyro that the PS3 is a superior piece of hardware IMO, the 360 def. has the better software including UI and I'm looking forward to see what happens with the Kinect and how I'll be able to use it in my everyday gaming activities and as far as the wii is concerned I feel like it has certain experiences that you just can't get anywhere else such as mario galaxy, smash bros. the upcoming zelda game and I'm sooo buying the 3DS which looks amazing. Some games I'm playing right now are Mafia 2, mass effect 2, alan wake, transformers, halo reach, borderlands(still), red dead redemption, demon souls, white knight chronicles, FF XIII, mod nation racers, blur, battlefield bad company 2 and many others. My gamertag is xMrSinister1x on 360 and my PSN ID is KnoxvegasAllstar if anybody wants to add me I love playin co-op games and some online games if its with people I know but def. shoot me a friend request videogames and android are my major vices:heart:. dancedroiddancedroiddancedroid