Originally posted by FreeWILL over at DXF - i did not come up with this just reposting it for more users to see/use
Milestone Overclock Module 1.2t (nadlabak's patch) w/ Memory Locations for DroidX 2.2 Added by FreeWELL
Tiago Sousa aka Mirage: for The Milestone Overclock Project
nadlabak: for patching in Froyo/2.2 Support
FreeWELL: for finding DroidX 2.2 memory locations/module compilation
I'm trying to keep this as close as possible to the way it was done on 2.1. For me, 2.2 seems to need a little more voltage to be stable than it was under 2.1. I've included two versions of setscaling.sh to start from.
setscaling.sh is set to stock voltages/clock speed
setscaling100.sh is set to stock voltages w/100mhz bump accross the board to 400/700/900/1100 (This appears to be stable for me, and is the baseline for my testing/tuning)
Install Instructions
$ su
# cd /sdcard/extracted/droidx_22_oc (or wherever you extracted the files to)
# mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mcblk1p21 /system
# cp overclock.ko /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko
# cp setscaling.sh /system/xbin/setscaling.sh
# chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko
# chmod 755 /system/xbin/setscaling.sh
<optional(only do after thoroughly testing what works for your DroidX in setscaling.sh)>
# cp install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
# chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
# mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mcblk1p21 /system
Run Instructions
$ su
# insmod /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko
# setscaling.sh
Milestone Overclock Module 1.2t (nadlabak's patch) w/ Memory Locations for DroidX 2.2 Added by FreeWELL
Tiago Sousa aka Mirage: for The Milestone Overclock Project
nadlabak: for patching in Froyo/2.2 Support
FreeWELL: for finding DroidX 2.2 memory locations/module compilation
I'm trying to keep this as close as possible to the way it was done on 2.1. For me, 2.2 seems to need a little more voltage to be stable than it was under 2.1. I've included two versions of setscaling.sh to start from.
setscaling.sh is set to stock voltages/clock speed
setscaling100.sh is set to stock voltages w/100mhz bump accross the board to 400/700/900/1100 (This appears to be stable for me, and is the baseline for my testing/tuning)
Install Instructions
$ su
# cd /sdcard/extracted/droidx_22_oc (or wherever you extracted the files to)
# mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mcblk1p21 /system
# cp overclock.ko /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko
# cp setscaling.sh /system/xbin/setscaling.sh
# chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko
# chmod 755 /system/xbin/setscaling.sh
<optional(only do after thoroughly testing what works for your DroidX in setscaling.sh)>
# cp install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
# chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
# mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mcblk1p21 /system
Run Instructions
$ su
# insmod /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko
# setscaling.sh