I stopped by a VZW kiosk at the local mall and the folks there were kind enough to get out a working droid unit and let me take it for a test spin. WOW! Viewing webpages is better than looking at one on my computer. The browser beats the crap out anything RIM has and then asks for more. The physical keyboard is much better than some of the reviews. I thought it'd be practically unusable. It's fine. The D-pad was another head scratcher since you can touch screen scroll through a page with the phone slider open. But the D-pad is nice and allows you page up and down, or tab from one tab to the next. Awesome. ... My biggest problem is deciding what cover to use. I bought the glove that doubles as a belt clip, too, but I'm thinking about getting something less bulky. We'll see tomorrow. This phone rocks, though. I think it is everything the best reviews said it was and it's so much more than the tempered ones said it wasn't. I didn't play with the camera, though, so that leaves something to be desired