does any IM app actually work well??


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Hesperia, ca
I have tried meebo and another app that i can't remember the name and neither of them seem to stay signed on very long. very annoying anyone have any advice??
I have tried meebo and another app that i can't remember the name and neither of them seem to stay signed on very long. very annoying anyone have any advice??
meebo works awesome for AIM and facebook for me, i stay signed in all day.
I'm using eBuddy right now and it seems to work pretty well for me.
I d/l Meebo today (for AIM and Yahoo) and I noticed it signs me out too, but I think it signs me out when I've powered the phone off/on. I really haven't thought much about it though until you said something.
ive had better luck with ebuddy than i did with meebo.
The only time I get signed out of Meebo is when I talk to someone on the phone since CDMA can't do voice and data at the same time.
Meebo has worked perfectly for AIM, FB and Google talk. That is until today. Today I have logged out or the app force closed about 10 times in 30 minutes. Not sure what has changed. Shutdown and restarted but haven't tested it out again since I am at my computer and dont need IM on my phone.
Meebo would force close on me every time I tried to use it landscape mode, and eBuddy signs me out all the time. (I don't consider an IM client reliable when it signs me out every night, at some point, while I sleep.)

So I'm in the same boat as the OP; I have yet to find a /reliable/ IM app.
I switched to Google Talk though, for now, and it seems to keep me signed in all the time.
I only use MSN IM but Hi MSN works really well, very nice UI also
Best i/ app is hello I'm by far...but on the other hand it costs ten bucksssss...and it is no aim like the sidekick was and still has ever been...but I love my droid I csnt deny that