To copy, cut and/or paste using the physical keyboard follow the instructions below:
Selecting Text:
Press and hold the shift key and then press the left or right buttons on the 4-way D-Pad.
Cut, Copy, Paste:
> To copy text, press and hold the Menu key and then press C (Menu+C)
> To paste text, press and hold the Menu key and press V (Menu+V)
> To cut text, press and hold the Menu key and press X (Menu+X)
The meny key you press must be the one on the physical keyboard. This is located two keys to the right of the space bar, next to the "/" key.
Selecting Text:
Press and hold the shift key and then press the left or right buttons on the 4-way D-Pad.
Cut, Copy, Paste:
> To copy text, press and hold the Menu key and then press C (Menu+C)
> To paste text, press and hold the Menu key and press V (Menu+V)
> To cut text, press and hold the Menu key and press X (Menu+X)
The meny key you press must be the one on the physical keyboard. This is located two keys to the right of the space bar, next to the "/" key.