cm6 rc3 is on rm now

have you tried it out yet?? how does it compare to UD or Sapphire, IYO?
i havent tried it i was just relaying a msg since i saw a thread saying it was coming
xTheme for RC3 will upload the black bar mod in a bit - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download

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liquid0624 has been working all weekend on what he describes as a "hiroshima bomb" for LiQuID FroZeN - i think i'll wait a little while longer and see what that has to offer, just cuz i don't want to wipe and reinstall everything for CyMod, and then have an updated LiQuID drop...but my mind may change tonight - i've been running the same rom for almost 4 days straight, fer chrissake! :)
I've been using the stock kernel with the nightly builds. Runs very smooth.

Let me tell you, the options for the "Power Control Widget" and the DSP settings are sexy.

Will be porting my theme over tonight. :D