Changing default gateway for VPN


New Member
May 14, 2010
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I need to change the default gateway that is used when I tunnel into my corporate network. Is there a way to do this? I have searched everywhere and can not find anything that says how to do it. If I dont have a way to change the default gateway I can not get off the subnet that I connect into.
Default gateway

I have a similar problem. I have a lan at home with a Linksys
Wireless-G Broadband Router. To get to the Internet I have a Westell
DSL modem, wired with an ethernet cable to the Linksys router at
static IP address Any computer on the local LAN can
activate the DSL router (i.e. get a DSL phone connection) by going to with http, and can then get to the Internet by setting
a default gateway pointing to the DSL modem (e.g. route add default
gw Most of my computers have a static IP address,
but the router is configured to handle DHCP requests from a range of
IP addresses. When on my Android I do Home > Settings > Wireless &
networks > Wi-Fi on, I can connect to my local LAN with the Android,
and it gets assigned an IP address, but to get it to the Internet I
need to tell it what DNS servers to use, and what the default gateway
is? How do I do that?