can"t chmod 755 exploid


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
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I've been trying to root for a while now. Every time i get to the 13th step I type chmod 755 exploid it says unable chmod 755 exploid file not found.
I can find the file though so i dont understand why it won't work.
Not sure what process you are referring to but here is the command I used:
'chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image'

Hope this helps

Yea i'm not sure on what process you're using either, however I'd definitely suggest the one click root. I've heard a lot of success with it and no reports of issues yet that I saw.

I used a process that ran the same line as mwhartman posted.
Simple command line issue. You are not in the right directory OR you are not typing the correct filename. Do a list directory 'ls' and double check that filename is there. I am guessing you missed a 'cd' command somewhere. You can find your present working directory with 'pwd'