My internet connection works perfectly on my DINC, but I can't make or receive any calls - including voicemail. I spent over an hour yesterday on the phone with VW. They weren't able to solve the problem.
So this morning I stopped by a VW dealer and talked to someone in tech support. For whatever reason, my phone worked in the store (and I was thrilled). When I got home and tried to make a call, I had the same problem. When I dial a call, it says it's dialing, but it doesn't do anything. It just hangs until the call is disconnected.
I just spent another 35 mins. on the phone with VW and they're sending me a new DINC.
Just wondered if anyone else had this problem, and if so, how did you handle it? My problem just started Tuesday.
So this morning I stopped by a VW dealer and talked to someone in tech support. For whatever reason, my phone worked in the store (and I was thrilled). When I got home and tried to make a call, I had the same problem. When I dial a call, it says it's dialing, but it doesn't do anything. It just hangs until the call is disconnected.
I just spent another 35 mins. on the phone with VW and they're sending me a new DINC.
Just wondered if anyone else had this problem, and if so, how did you handle it? My problem just started Tuesday.