Battery loss overnight?


New Member
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
Upstate, NY
Why am I losing 50% battery while it just sits there overnight? I noticed in general the battery is not very good. I just got the droid about a week ago. I don't use it that heavily though. I use ATK. Any ideas how to increase battery life? I have wi-fi, GPS and what not all turned off.
This has been discussed at length. The only legit answer I have seen is that some programs, while the phone is technically "off", keep the CPU active. Sort of like if you put your laptop, ereader, ipod, etc into suspend eventually it will die.

Why not just plug the phone in?
You probably have the background sync on. Try disabling the auto sync in the account section under settings.
With the phone on, and unplugged overnight, I lose about 10%, which seems about normal by comparison to others on the boards. If you're losing a lot more, there is either something you aren't thinking of that's running (some random app, sync, etc), or you've got a problem with your battery. But there have also been many threads discussing people losing significantly more battery overnight while their phones are off too. The solution they found? Just leaving them on. So if all else fails, just leave it on and plugged in overnight. There's no danger of overcharging.