And I got here...


New Member
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
North East Florida, USA
Hey people!

Well, I finally decided to join this community because I am really interested on making some changes to my Thunderbolt and, perhaps, getting rid of all the bloatware that Verizon was so kind to provide me with.

My name is Arnoldo; 'A.T.' for short although I tend to use 'Kuilontli' online and I am so glad I finally had the guts to leave RIM Blackberry and jump into the Android OS.

I am interested in developing apps for droid, mostly for my own personal use but, before I do that, I am strongly thinking on rooting my phone if I find someone kind enough to walk me through the steps. (I consider myself a tech savvy but I can't afford to be without a cellphone right now so, input would be appreciate until I get comfortable enough).

I am not sure what else should I put as introduction. Any questions? Ask and you shall receive...