Adding new contacts on Droid X

Jul 16, 2010
Reaction score
United States
I know this sounds like an easy question, but I don't seem to have an option to add a new contact on my Droid X. When I go into the contacts menu I have Dialer, Recent, Contacts and Favorites listed at the top. If I select physical menu button on the phone when I'm on the Contacts screen the only options are "Search" and "Speed Dial Setup". Apparently when you look at the Contacts screen there is suppossed to be a green PLUS button at the top of the list, which is what you use to made new contacts. I don't have this button to select.

The only way I've found to add new contacts is go to the "Dialer" section of the Contacts menu, type in the new number and then hit the menu button and select "Add New". I also get a problem there where it will say "CAnnot add new contact account is not valid", this doesn't happen everytime but it does sometimes. I just don't understand why I can't add new contacts in a simple way?? The only variant that I can see is I use Launcher Pro Plus as a home alternative, but that shouldn't affect how my Contacts section would look like would it? I can't fathom why it would? Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance, and I hope someone can help me figure out this dilemma??
Open your app drawer, go to contacts, hit your menu key, select add contact. Hope this helped. If it doesn't, power down, take out your battery, put the battery back, power up, and try again
Thanks Mike that worked! I actually replaced the contacts icon I had in my Launcher Pro dock with the one from my App Drawer and that fixed it. So for some reason it was actually Launcher Pro that had caused the problem. It must have something to do with their default Contacts icon that messes it up and gives you a different view of your Contacts that doesn't look like the normal one. But it's all fixed now thanks to you and I appreciate it very much :)
Thanks. I had the exact same problem. Turns out it was Launcher Pro. Was feeling a little stupid that I couldn't add a contact.