I went back to stock using rsd lite/.sbf. I've tried using a few different 2.2 update files and its failed (I also tried 2.1). Can I go from 2.0.1 to 2.2? Or do I need 2.1 first? Not sure what I'm doing wrong...it says update.zip not .zip.zip or should I name it just update (when I try to do this it says I'm changing the way it reads...so I didnt). Its saved on the root of sdcard, turned it off. I rebooted into recovery ran update.zip and it gives an error. I went ahead and reboot...nothing has happened. I've tried several times. Can you direct me on where I can find help with this? Also in astro I can still see superuser..why is that? My goal is to be 2.2 rrooted. Thanks!! Any advice will help!