note 7r

  1. DroidModderX

    Refurbished Note 7 Devices Are Being Sold With An "R" Behind The Glass

    The Note 7R or Refurbished Note 7 is now being sod in China. Some photos have already started to show up online showing off these devices. The new Galaxy Note 7R units will be distinguishable from the original devices by an R imprinted under the back glass. The Note 7R features the same design...
  2. DroidModderX

    Refurbished Note 7 Units Should Hit Store Shelves By June

    The launch of the Galaxy Note 7R is expected to be no later than June. Of course it will be available only in South Korea. The Note 7R is expected to feature identical specs and design to the original Note 7 with the only difference being a smaller battery. The Note 7R should come with a 3,200...