
  1. DroidModderX

    Wileyfox Swift Receives Cyanogen OS 13 Update

    Wileyfox sells an assortment of mid-tier phones in the UK and other European countries like France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, and Russia. They chose Cyanogen OS as their shipping operating system on devices like the Swift which actually gives them a leg up against the hundreds of other...
  2. DroidModderX

    C-Apps Brings CyanogenOS Apps to Devices Running CyanogenMod

    If you have ever flashed CyanogenMod to your device then you know that you must also flash the G-apps package or you will be totally without Google services. The reason Cyanogen can't just package Google Apps into their rom is because they don't have the proper licensing. Instead of getting...
  3. DroidModderX

    Microsoft's Cortana Coming To The Next Version Of Cyanogen OS

    In yet another bid to distance themselves from Google, Cyanogen has announced that they will heavily integrate Cortana into the next version of Cyanogen OS. By now Google does a pretty great job at digital assistance with their Google Now. Cyanogen CEO Kirt McMaster feels that Cortana will help...