beta program

  1. GROMAddict

    GROM Audio Android Car Integration Newsletter

    Here you will find March issue of our newsletter. GROM March Issue: VLine Infotainment Update, Exploring Music Genres, Technology News Recap Highlights include: VLine Connected Car Infotainment system - Pre-Sale VLine Connected Car Infotainment system - calling for BETA testers Wirelinq...
  2. GROMAddict

    Android Based Connected Car Infotainment System - SF Bay Area beta testers invited

    We are inviting beta-testers to try out our new VLINE infotainment center for select OEM stereos. We are looking for the owners of select Infiniti/Nissan, GMC and Lexus vehicles. VLINE Infotainment System for Nissan/Infiniti/GM/Lexus - BETA Test Sign Up Here is a snap of what VLine can do...
  3. DroidModderX

    Marshmallow Beta Test Rolls Out For Sony's Xperia Lineup!

    Little by little various OEMs are beginning to test out Marshmallow on their devices. So far only a handful of devices, namely nexus devices, actually have official Marshmallow builds. Sony has just started the rollout of a Marshmallow beta test program. The beta will be available for Xperia Z2...