What We Want To See In The Galaxy S6


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  • Samsung-S5-002-578-80.jpg

    We wanted the S5 to look like this... we'll accept it for the S6 still, though
    What is it?
    The next flagship smartphone from Samsung
  • When is it out? Early 2015, probably March or April
  • What will it cost? A lot, at least as much as the pricey Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S6 release date and price
There's no official word on when the Samsung Galaxy S6 might launch, but Samsung has a yearly product cycle which it rarely deviates far from.

In fact from the Samsung Galaxy S2 onwards the company has always announced its phones at or close to MWC, and we're certain the same will hold true for the Galaxy S6.

2015's MWC is set to take place between March 2 and March 5, so it's likely that we'll see the Samsung Galaxy S6 sometime around then. Possibly not at the show itself but perhaps at a press conference a day or two before it starts, much like Samsung did for the Galaxy Note 4 launch before IFA 2014.

However, that's not when it will actually go on sale. The Samsung Galaxy S4 and S5 both launched in April, of 2013 and 2014 respectively, so there's a good chance that you'll be able to buy the Samsung Galaxy S6 from April 2015.

There are rumors suggesting Samsung may be a little quicker to market with the Galaxy S6 though, with South Korean news outlet Daum claiming it'llship the Galaxy S6 in the same month as it's announced - March 2015.

There's no real information on what the Samsung Galaxy S6 might cost either, but this is a flagship phone we're talking about.

This means it's not likely to be any cheaper than the Samsung Galaxy S5, which at launch sold for £579 (around $972 / AU$1048) SIM free.

Given that the specs will presumably be better and that it may even have a premium build for once it's possible that it could be even more expensive, but we'd be surprised if Samsung went much higher than £600 / $1000 / AU$1100.

Samsung Galaxy S6 design
Samsung needs to sort out the design of the Galaxy S6, and there are (happily) reasons to believe it's doing just that. There's every chance that Samsung will mould it on the Samsung Galaxy Alpha, which launched with a metal frame but still kept hold of the polycarbonate rear from the Galaxy S5.

At just 6.7mm the Galaxy Alpha is considerably thinner than the Galaxy S5, and we hope this is a positive sign for the Galaxy S6.

Sources in Samsung's supply chain have been talking fast and loose about the Galaxy S6, claiming the Galaxy Alpha and Note 4 will test the waters for Samsung's metal design ahead of an all-metal flagship in the form of the S6.

But what if Samsung's feeling that's not enough? Project Zero is coming, apparently, and not only do we love that name it also heralds Samsung starting again and completely retooling the S6 to be something that even iPhone and HTC lovers can't keep their paws off.

Given one of the design chiefs at the South Korean firm was shuffled sideways in the aftermath of less-than-expected Galaxy S5 sales, we can really believe this is happening.

Weirdly we haven't seen any leaks of the new phone, even in its usual prototype form, so we'll have to make do with this interesting concept from Josip Jakubiv - it's the same mottled back, but with a much larger screen and a refined design - perhaps even a spot of metal there?


Credit: Josip Jakubiv, Part Community

Samsung Galaxy S6 screen
There's no sign that Samsung is ditching Super AMOLED in its screens, so we expect that to make a return in the Galaxy S6.

The resolution will likely get a boost though, as Samsung has already revealed the 2560 x 1440 Galaxy Note 4 and even among smaller screen sizes there's the equally QHD Galaxy S5 LTE-A in South Korea, so we expect the Galaxy S6 to have a resolution at least that high.


In fact Samsung has previously said that it hopes to have smartphones with 4K 3840 x 2160 displays on the market by 2015. It's possible then that the S6 will leapfrog 2K and go straight to 4K, but with an early 2015 launch expected we'd be surprised.

More likely Samsung will save that for the Galaxy Note 5... plus, surely, that's getting to the point of just too many pixels in a phone screen?

Either way, the Samsung Galaxy S6 may have a slightly bigger screen than the Galaxy S5. The company has slowly been increasing the size of the screens on its flagships and we wouldn't be surprised if the Galaxy S6 were to push things up by another 0.1 or 0.2 inches to 5.2 or 5.3 inches.

If Samsung can shrink the bezel then it could probably even achieve that without increasing the phone's footprint. On the other hand the Note 4 is no bigger than the Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung's going to want to keep its two premium brands differentiated, so maybe it will decide that 5.1 inches is the sweet spot.


There's also an outside chance that the Galaxy S6 might have a flexible display. Samsung has been looking at this sort of technology for a while and has even recently revealed the Galaxy Note Edge: a version of the Note 4 where the screen curves down one side, so it's possible.

Others have been keen to push this idea, with the rumours that the Note Edge was supposed to feature the dual-bend design, but it was shelved and pushed the to Galaxy S6. It would certainly boost the brand's presence on the shop shelves.

The curved screen idea has also been pushed by South Korean news outletDaum, which goes on to predict a 2560 x 1440 resolution (the same as the Galaxy Note 4) and a Snapdragon 810 processor.

But we doubt Samsung would equip its flagship with such an untested technology, so we'd expect the S range to stick with a flat screen for at least one more year.

It would be cool if the S6 had a bendy screen though - something different from the continuously-similar rectangular designs, right?

What We Would Like To See

Given we don't know a whole lot about the new Galaxy S6 at this point, here are the key things we think Samsung must chuck in there to make it a roaring success, rather than an unimpressive flop:

A better body
It would be fair to say that the dimpled back panel on the S5 wasn't universally well received. Everyone has been crying out for a new design in the Galaxy S series for a while now, but Samsung seemingly hasn't been listening.

An S6 with a metal unibody and a premium feel would be a potential crowd pleaser. If a redesign is on the cards, why not take it further and go for a new form factor? A new premium profile could refresh the range and make it feel special again.


Given that the Samsung Galaxy Alpha and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 have more premium builds it's likely that the Galaxy S6 will too, but we hope it goes all-metal rather than just packing in a metal frame.

A 2K display
No one is impressed by 1080p any more, not when 4K TVs are in the shops. We wouldn't have been surprised to see a 2560 x 1440 pixel resolution on the S5, but it seems QHD displays were not ready for prime time back at the beginning of 2014.

It's all change now though, with the Galaxy Note 4 and LG G3 both packing 2K screens, so anything less than a QHD display in the S6 will be a bit of a disappointment. Just make sure it doesn't hurt the battery while you're at it, Samsung.

Hey, we're not here to solve these issues - that's for your fancy R&D labs.

A 64-bit processor
Perhaps the lack of a 64-bit processor in the S5 was an acknowledgement that there aren't many advantages yet, or maybe it was a statement about not copying Apple.

In any case, regardless of benefits perceived and real, 64 is a bigger number than 32 so it must be better, and if our friend's iPhone has one, if you don't put one in the S6 we're not buying it. The good news is that Android L supporting 64-bit processors it's likely that the Galaxy S6 will take advantage.

While you're there, for heaven's sake add more RAM – 2GB is not enough to satisfy the modern day demands of multi-tasking, especially if you're going for a 64-bit chip.

A flexible design
Remember that advert where the guy folds his phone out to tablet size? That would be a real slice of fried gold and we've heard Samsung has a folding prototype already. Failing that, a squidgy, bendy phone that can take all sorts of damage and return to its original shape unblemished would be nice.

Squeezy controls could bring a fresh tactile element to smartphone ownership. At the very least we expect flexibility to deliver greater durability and new potential shapes, but it has got to be better than the Samsung Galaxy Round. Samsung's on the right track with the Galaxy Note Edge, so we're looking forward to the next step in curved and bendy screens.


A bendy screen is a prime candidate for abuse

A bigger battery
We can hold the sum total of humanity's achievements in one hand, accessing all of our scientific knowledge, and our greatest works of art, but only for a few hours at a time. Why are mobile phone batteries still so crap?

We need bigger batteries, more efficient power management, and faster wireless charging. The 2,800mAh battery in the S5 might be a slight step up from its predecessor, but it has an extra 0.1 of an inch of screen to power. You're treading water, Samsung. Free us from the daily charge.

An end to bloatware

No-one wants a Samsung-branded app that does exactly the same thing as an existing Google app, only worse. We also expect a device listed as 16GB to have more than 10GB free. The days where Android was rough and ready and Touchwiz really added value are gone.

Stock Android is smooth and delicious, KitKat needs no embellishment and Android L already looks like a rich and creamy desert to our tech starved stomachs. It's time to tone it down a little.

By all means stick S Health on there as an optional extra, but please let us uninstall all the S apps we don't want and ditch the superfluous doubles.

There is some good news here, as a top Samsung exec has been quoted as saying the firm is looking to ditch the Samsung Hub suite, sparking talk of the end of bloatware heavy smartphones, and that change is already happening on the Tab S range. We can but hope.

A decent pair of stereo speakers
Sadly there's just one speaker on the S5. We don't want to have to wear headphones or hook up speakers all the time. It's a mobile device. The HTC One clearly demonstrated the benefits of dual front-facing speakers. Sony heard it, because the Z2 and Xperia Z3 have them too.

Screens are big enough to watch movies with friends now. How about bringing that sound quality up to scratch? A good set of stereo speakers in the S6 would be welcomed by everyone.

A DAB chip
Wi-Fi isn't always available and mobile data can be costly, so streaming tunes from the cloud or internet radio can be tricky and prohibitively expensive. FM radio seems to be rapidly disappearing from mobile devices and the quality is pretty patchy anyway.

Isn't it about time digital radio made it into smartphones? Access to high quality stations without the fiddling or the network connection would open up a world of music, sport, and talk. DAB chips are coming to smartphones and we'd love to see one in the Galaxy S6.

Always listening
The Moto X was a mixed bag, but it's undeniably cool to be able to talk to your phone and have it blink to life. Google continues to improve Now and add more functionality. If the Galaxy S6 was always listening, we'd get more value out of it. Google Now has been updated to listen for commands from any screen, but on the S6 we want it to listen even when the screen is off.

Voice recognition is improving fast. Given that our smartphones are starting to connect to wearables, home electronics and cars, the ability to issue voice commands brings us a step closer to the futuristic utopia we've all been dreaming about.


We want more functionality and we want it NOW

A new UX
We already suggested that Touchwiz is no longer adding much value to stock Android, but that doesn't mean it couldn't. A radical rethink of the stagnant UX could wash away childish fonts and pointless features to deliver something fresh and stylish.

Samsung must have bags of data on how we interact with our smartphones and a cursory glance at popular launchers reveals a world of possibilities. Be bold Samsung, offer us something new and exciting! As long as it isn't a candy-fuelled, garish, neon nightmare, we'll give it a try.

What features would you like or expect to see in the Galaxy S6?



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Wow. You nailed it IMHO. The things I didn't like about the S4 are all the things you mentioned. The one thing that stood out for me, which I believe may have connection to the bloat is the battery life. I had to carry two extra batteries for the S4 in order to get through the entire day. This was the MAIN reason why I ditched the S4 after coming from the Droid RAZR MAXX, and wound up back with the Droid MAXX. After having battery power to spare, and that to me was far more important than all the fancy touchwiz, it was like coming home when I replaced the S4 with the Droid MAXX after only 4 months.

Don't get me wrong...the S4 had many features and such that I enjoyed, although I do believe the bloat was beyond overbaked, but in the end, battery life won out for me.


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I have yet to drain the battery on my S5 and trust me, I try almost daily. This thing is a beast in that department. If the S6 can do the same AND give my QHD, they can have my 7 bills right now.

S5 tap'n


Droid Does
Apr 13, 2012
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When Samsung makes a full metal body I am done with them. It's bloggers like this that keep pushing for an inferior phone design. If you want metal then buy a metal case.


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2012
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I'd be happy with average speakers, I love Samsung but what's with the horrible audio on every single phone?


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Jan 27, 2013
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Would the metal body still be as impervious to water? Or would oxidation become an issue over time?


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Dec 13, 2011
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Front speakers are a must.. Spoiled with Nexus 6 and M8.. Should be trend for all upcoming phones

Tap'd by Big 6


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Dec 26, 2011
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I'm all for all the points you suggested EXCEPT the bendy screen thing. I don't need/want it. I just think it's a gimmic that will add nothing to the functionality of the phone but perhaps good for oohs and aaaaaahs around the water cooler.

I also don't like the screen bending around one side. More gimmicry. Whether you're a lefty or a righty you're going to be covering some of it. I do like the idea of a metal back (I like the industrial look) as long as it doesn't interfere in any way with either the phones functions or interfere with the ability to use wireless chargers. Once you've used one of those, there's no going back LOL.


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Got to thinking about the external speaker(s). Being a musician, there's no way I'd ever expect any serious sound coming out of any speakers built into any smart phone. Running it blutooth into my car stereo is a different story as is listening to quality stuff at home through $1000 speakers. To me, that's the only way to listen to music. What comes out of the headphone jack is, well, pretty ok with a decent set of Bose head phones. So if I had to trade screen real estate for bigger speakers, I'd have to opt for the screen area. Just my 2 cents worth.