Unreliable GPS


New Member
Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
N. Calif.
The GPS on my Droid X is driving me nuts. Navigation with it is extremely unreliable in that sometimes it will get a satellite fix within seconds but most times it will never get a satellite fix. Google Navigation will report "searching for GPS" continuously and then will eventually reboot the phone. I often need to reboot, turn GPS off/on multiple times or open/close the navigation app several times before I can use it for navigation. Most of the time once it gets a fix it works fine after that.

One of my sons has a Droid 1 and the other has an HTC Incredible and both of those reliably get a satellite fix within seconds.

I suspect I have a hardware problem with my Droid X but how can I determine what the issue is so I can approach VZW about it?