Rooted - now need some help with the Flash...


New Member
Dec 31, 2011
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OK guys,

I'm totally new to the Android scene. Some of you may have seen my other post, but I'm leaning towards keeping the phone.

I have figured out over time the RAZR v3xx, iPhone, etc. which I have hacked/rooted/jailbroken.
However, with Android, I'm a N00bie.

With the Droid Razor, I have rooted it (of course you know the Verizon one), however, one of the programs from xDADevelopers (System Sounds Changer - can change all System Sounds - [APP] [UPDATES] System Sound Changer - xda-developers) wants to access the flash I'm assuming (get a Force Close saying: The application System.Sound.Changer (process com.beanfarmersoftworks.systemsoundchanger) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again).

I'm going to assume for it to change any kind of Keyboard, etc. sounds it does, it needs Flash access.
Is this possible with the stock Verizon ROM?

Please don't penalize a n00bie - when I learn, I can help others - like you all know eh ;)
