Kindle for android is out!New ebook reader


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
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If you’re looking for a good eBook reader for your Android device and want access to good content and something highly customizable, then Laputa book reader might be what you’re searching for.
Laputa is an application which lets you explore your deepest lust to read. You can imagine the fun it gives you while you are enjoying reading on your Android phone. You can read books you’ve downloaded from our internal websites where thousands of free books are available, as well as reading your own epub books with our Laputa. This small thing allow you to turn a page like how you do it with s actual book by just flicking the screen with your finger .
Laputa book reader has a cool interface which is like a real bookself for revealing the books you are reading.
You do not have to worry about the selection of the books on it. Thousands of free books including some updated books offer you a wide range of selections. And the books are .You can browse and download any of the books available on Feedbooks and Blazer.

It will save the bookmark automatically when you exit the application .It is possible for you to change the front size and the day/night modes to suit your personal preference.It’s free of charge for you to enrich your Android experience.

Pros: Auto Page; Auto Bookmark; User Defined category; Updated books
Cons: Day/Night feature instead of brightness setting; Lack customization options like colors