HELP-ADB Won't see phone (Can't Root-ICS)


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I am not familiar with the droidrazrroot utility so have no idea what process it uses to root. As long as you are playing with the phone, go back to my post with the lengthy step by steps and start from scratch again... using option 1 to bring it back to stock... Then using Mattlgroff's utility go through the steps to root. One word of caution, make sure you fully charge your battery.


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Jun 12, 2012
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TisMyDroid said:
I am not familiar with the droidrazrroot utility so have no idea what process it uses to root. As long as you are playing with the phone, go back to my post with the lengthy step by steps and start from scratch again... using option 1 to bring it back to stock... Then using Mattlgroff's utility go through the steps to root. One word of caution, make sure you fully charge your battery.

Tis, I've heard you mention making sure you are fully charged, does this effect anything beyond just making sure you don't die during the process? Cause I haven't found the rooting to take very long


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Feb 16, 2011
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If you happen to get stuck in a boot loop (like I did) it can drain your battery fast and also be stuck where it is being fully charged allows you enough battery in case you make a mistake there is enough to get you to a point where you can charge.


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Jun 12, 2012
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TisMyDroid said:
If you happen to get stuck in a boot loop (like I did) it can drain your battery fast and also be stuck where it is being fully charged allows you enough battery in case you make a mistake there is enough to get you to a point where you can charge.

Ok. Understand. :) thanks


Jan 25, 2011
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I DID IT !!!!!!!

Well...LOL....Right after I claimed to not be a total 'Noob' in my last post, I realized I made the Noob of all Noob mistakes on my last attempt.....

I DID NOT Have 'USB Debugging' enabled for that last attempt (To root while the phone is in fastboot), sorry for that mis-information.

Just to summarize what happened, the ongoing issues, and where I am right now:

1. IT DOES HAVE "SU" INSTALLED, and running w/o apparant issue (Obviously, I just did it, so I have not had a chance to play around, but I busted open a couple "Root Required" apps, and the opened up w/o issue.....SO, THE ROOT WAS SUCCESSFUL

2. HOW: I powered OFF the phone, hit Vol -/+/Pwr., to enter the menu. Selected "Fastboot"
Left the phone in fastboot, and ran the "Batman" utility. At this point, I was concerned that the multiple 'Restarts' of the phone would hinder the process, as a
a regular reboot, would bring it to it's regular status (Not in fastboot), and ?Mess up?(lack of a better word) the process, since the device mgr. drivers would be
gone. BUT: All the restarts went w/o issue, and the Batman utility stated, 'Exploit completed successfully'

3. Remaining Issue (Bug up my A$^): WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? When the phone is connected, MUST it be in "Fastboot" for the REQUIRED 'Stuff' to be put in the Device Mgr?
This is a very sensitive area, there is NO WAY for the phone to communicate properly with the PC, it appears to me that right at the top of Device Mgr. you see:
"Android Phone", and under that 'Android Composite ADB Interface'

*** NOW FOR THE REAL CRAZY - TOTALLY UNEXPLAINABLE THING: NOW THAT IT'S ROOTED, When the phone boots normally (While connected to the PC, but NOT into fastboot)........NOW it puts that "Android Phone" into the Device Manager (Again, w/o going into fastboot)...LOL...What a kick in the A$%.
Really it was a proverbial Catch 22: I needed it to boot and put that in Device Mgr to boot, in order for me to root.......BUT, it needed to be rooted to put that in there......LMAO....Explain that one, I think I'll put up a cash

SO: Right now: Rooted, Success, ADB Interface is installed during the standard boot process.

Anyway, as I said, I decided to do this w/ this phone, BUT, I am going to get the refurb (This actually is a refurb, as I had an issue once before where it was TOTALLY JAMMED in fastboot, they did see it was rooted, BUT, guessed it was a false positive on their end, so I got the new one), so as mentioned the new is on the way, I figured, if I'm going to mess one up, it should be the one I'm sending back, so I have a day or two to really try some crazy stuff, w/o fear.

Well everyone....Again, I SINCERELY APPRECIATE EVERYTHING, REALLY !!!!! It is times like this where I just LOVE the forums. I actually served as a MOD on another Android forum (A prepaid Android forum, before I went over to VZW I was on Cricket, but darn them w/o 4G, which is something I'm unwilling to sacrifice).

IF there are any questions about what I did that I may have left out, I would be happy to answer, maybe help somebody in the future?

Last thing about this: I am VERY curious if the new one will install the REQUIRED drivers, like this one did not......Since, clearly something is wrong w/ the firmware or something, since I'm getting that "Dead" Android guy (BTW: You were right that hitting Vol +/- DID bring up the blue menu.....BUT, still a Dead Android w/ a RED Triangle and !!!....SOMETHING IS UP???

CONCLUSION: I know that I have a tendency to really go on and on....I apologize, but like said, better to give all the detail than too little.....that said, for those who needed to print my posts for a trip to the Shi#%$er THANK YOU.

ONE LAST QUESTION: I could have sworn that I saw that there was an option w/ the new SuperUser, to do a "Full UN-ROOT"

This is the first time I used the Batman utility to Root, I don't want to, but for the future, HOW DO I UNROOT?? I will look, I may just need to find the option? But figured I would toss this out there for now. Really it makes no difference now, not like a short time ago, where you could unroot to return the device, now they know the instant you do it (Moto had the capability for a long while, but did not report to VZW, only in the last couple months VZW announced that they would have the capability)

Off topic, but since Moto cracked and is allowing unlocking of the bootloader, (although NOT for the original Razr (Mine)...crap....but for the Maxx HD, M, and several others)....VZW said that if found w/ unlocked you would be removed from the network...ugh....this is crazy, since they have other phones that have been unlocked from the start, and others that were easily unlocked...They claim due to the enabling of you to break FCC rules....(Changing radio stuff, etc...), stupid excuse.

SO, THANKS AGAIN......I just leave w/ the FINAL question: How do you unroot ? No big deal here, I will play w/ it and probably figure it out, but just thought I would toss it in here since it's on my mind.

THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I keep saying that, but I am sincere, and know from the other end how it is, so your time is greatly valued by me, and how fast you were willing to jump in really was great. I have been flipping between this and one other forum, trying to find a nice new home, after this, I am convinced I will be around here in the future.

ALL MY BEST....S / Jeff


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Whoo goo, celebrate! Yes ha!

To answer one of your questions. For me the easiest way to unroot is to use option 1 to put it back to stock. You can also use voodoo rootkeeper but that is more useful if you just want to temporarily go back to stock.


Jan 25, 2011
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Whoo goo, celebrate! Yes ha!

To answer one of your questions. For me the easiest way to unroot is to use option 1 to put it back to stock. You can also use voodoo rootkeeper but that is more useful if you just want to temporarily go back to stock.

Thanks.....It was just that the SU version that was used in the method from "DroidRazrRoot", had an option right in there...."Full UnRoot" and I was wondering if this had the same? Weird, I thought that SU was SU, but apparently, there are different versions, I guess depending on the dev?

As far as this one from Batman, there appears to be a clone of VooDoo built in, as in the menu is a check box for temp unroot, or root save or something like that...

About going back to option 1, thank you, and much appreciated....S/Jeff

BTW: Since, I have tested out the latest (v3.05) version of Safestrap, and partitioned out 3 different ROM slots, and was amazed it really is a multi-boot tool. I was thinking it was going to have to do a flash for each, but it just simply boots right into your selection (Does eat quite a bit of your internal storage thou).

Anyway.....THANKS AGAIN....I'll have to report back if the re-furb does in fact put those drivers into dev. mgr. w/o having to go to fastboot, like it does after rooted, but really no matter, since thanks to all the help, this method seems to work just fine.

THANKS AGAIN.....Spyder/Jeff


Jan 25, 2011
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You're welcome! Have fun with it spyder :)

TisMY......Just a quick msg to say Thank You, and that as I said, since I got the Droid, I have really been flipping on the Forums, and not found a "Home", as I like to really participate. As I mentioned, I've been a Mod on unleashedprepaids , I still play around there, but really I can help quite a bit, but honestly there isn't much for me there anymore...Really, I loved Cricket, never had any problems, but they don't have 4G here, and I was able to get onto VZW w/ my friend who has 5 phones on the account, so I only pay about what I was paying Cricket (apx $50), not the 100+, so it was a no-brainer.

Anyway, all my flipping between the forums, I was never really able to 'settle' someplace, since this thread, I CLEARLY see that it's a great forum, and being specific to the Droid, makes it even better....SO...I thank you for that, and hope to be seeing you around..

Let's just hope that the seeing around isn't always in your "Rescue"

Thanks again, and looking forward to really playing w/ this thing much more now.

All my best, and you have a great day.....Jeff


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Feb 16, 2011
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Central New York
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Wow Jeff, thank you so much! That was so nice. And very happy to have you join us. This is a great forum and a great community! By all means, jump in wherever you can, whether it is to ask questions or to offer your ideas.

And believe me, I don't always wear my rs hat. Matter of fact, the party lounge thread was started by one of our mods (94lt1) because a few of us got a little off topic and a bit over the edge... bordering on out of control (I hold MattyP responsible for being the most out of control), lol! It was all in great fun... too much fun!


Jan 25, 2011
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Wow Jeff, thank you so much! That was so nice. And very happy to have you join us. This is a great forum and a great community! By all means, jump in wherever you can, whether it is to ask questions or to offer your ideas.

And believe me, I don't always wear my rs hat. Matter of fact, the party lounge thread was started by one of our mods (94lt1) because a few of us got a little off topic and a bit over the edge... bordering on out of control (I hold MattyP responsible for being the most out of control), lol! It was all in great fun... too much fun!

Awesome...Thx again.....although, with such a nice may not know what your getting have a pretty good habit of really screwing the pooch with these

I actually learned most of what I know about Android on my original Huawei Ascend...Still in my opinion one of the best darn phones (of that time of course)....But, crazy thing, at that time, it had an unlocked bootloader, which I really just thought was a standard thing till I got the droid, went to install CWR (Clock Work Recovery), which I used all the time, and realized....wait a minute??? Just on that subject, I am seriously impressed w/ Moto for opening up that page to unlock your bootloader if you like (STINKS that the original Razr isn't part of that, when the MAXX HD, M, and all the others are, but it's a move in the right direction....Prior as much as I like it, Moto had me turned off...NOW, it's VZW..."If we "Catch" you using an unlocked, you will be removed from the network"...A bit strong wouldn't you say...especially since they have several others that are either unlocked or always could be easily?).

Anyway, I thank you for the cool post, and def. be seeing you around.

All my best...S


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Nov 10, 2012
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I am having issues with the flash back utility. I have read the whole thread and followed the instructions to the letter. My phone is now dead. It doesn't receive any charge and does not boot. The utility said it failed twice. I let it charge after until it was full and tried again. The third time is when it did not reboot and is now staying off. Any suggestions?


Jan 25, 2011
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I am having issues with the flash back utility. I have read the whole thread and followed the instructions to the letter. My phone is now dead. It doesn't receive any charge and does not boot. The utility said it failed twice. I let it charge after until it was full and tried again. The third time is when it did not reboot and is now staying off. Any suggestions?

Sorry for the delay here tweeker...I have actually been on the pc most of the day, but must have missed the notification.....Anyway:

First off, I just wanted to follow-up on the thread, by saying, I had started out saying how I was waiting for a 'Warranty Replacement' phone, due to the probs going into recovery, etc.....Well, I got the replacement in the mail, now...we all know they are "Refurbs" they send out, not New phones....Well, I got the darn thing, and mine (a year old in a week or two), is in 10x better physical condition than the one I got. It had a bunch of scratches on the Kevlar backing, which I could live with....BUT: The bottom of the phone, where you can see the line where the top and bottom are put together, there was a slight bend, as if it had been pried open with a small screwdriver. It wasn't big, nor THAT obvious (Although I saw it immediately), I could simply pop it apart w/ a fingernail if I tried. Also, the backing was not "Flat" but you could see/feel some slight 'Bulges', as if the guts were not seated properly, and it was shoved together. How that thing made it thu their "Quality Control" is beyond me.

Anyway, I called, they offered to send another one, BUT, thru my tinkering mainly thru this thread, I seemed to have everything cleaned up and fixed, so I decided to just keep this one, and send back the replacement. I was thinking, since another year of contract, and the warranty out, I figured a "Fresh" device would be a good idea...BUT, it's clear that I'm in an = or better position than getting a refurb....

The only anticipation of sending it back, I deleted most of the accounts/apps/etc.....had it to bare bones, and was planning on a final wipe before I sent it back...So, had to basically spend an entire day loading it back up, but would have had to w/ the refurb, and it actually gave me a chance to really skim thru what is used and not, It now is running at a very much noticeable speed (Click a txt box, time for the keyboard to come up was delayed, now instant again, things like that).

OK..........SORRY TWEAKER, I just wanted to spew that out, to conclude my situation....NOW ONTO YOURS:
I guess we need to start w/ some questions, and go from there:
Just right off the bat, on the surface, this seems pretty serious, so regardless of what we can do here, I would suggest calling them up, make sure to get to their Tier II techs if you can, otherwise you'll be explaining this one twice, I'm sure of it.

Well, here we go:
1. Did you call tech support, if so what did they say? (Apparently not much since we're here)
2. I understand you say it will not receive any charge...You mentioned you let it charge, and tried again, it was after this attempt that it stopped taking a charge?
2a. That said: Will it work while plugged in (AC Power)
3. As mentioned above, are you using the factory cable? (Or that worked for everything in the past??)
4. Where were you when you STARTED this "Flash Back" attempt?? (Android version, was it rooted, etc...)
5. Why were you attempting to flash back in the first place? Was there something wrong? Did you simply want to return to stock? Basically #4/5: What was up?
6. When you connected to the PC, what did you have it connected as: Mass Storage, MTP, PTP ?? (Should be MTP, just not 'Mass Storage')
7. Here is where I had some problems: When you connect to the PC, in your Device Manager, at the top of the list do you see "Android Phone", then under the adb connection driver/s????? Prior to my flash back, and root....I DID NOT have those drivers install upon connection, UNLESS I was in 'Fastboot' mode on the device. The odd thing is that after flash and root, it now installs the required drivers immediately, w/o having to be in fastboot. I just got "Lucky" that the utility was able to do that flash and root from fastboot. (As I said, proverbial Catch 22, need the drivers to flash, but need to flash to get the
SO, sorry for the blah blah, but: Do/Did you have these drivers in your Device Manager???
8. Please give some detail what happened when you hit "GO"??? and as mentioned above: Did you run from the normal mode, or were you in fastboot???
9. Should have been at the top of this list, but what version of the Batman Utility are you using ???
10. You mention the Utility said it failed, after this failure, was your phone operational? (Basically repeat of #5, what was the status of the device prior, and did it return to that status after those failures??

11....WHEW...SORRY FOR THE NOVELLA HERE.....LASTLY: Have you tried to enter the factory recovery?? (Vol +/- and power, hold, release, you'll see the Android guy, then hit Vol +/-, the blue menu for factory recovery should appear).....I'm guessing/hoping you can work w/ it while plugged in.

OK......Again, I apologize....if nothing else, this thread has really shown I can sure as H#$$ ramble. I just compulsively feel the need to include every, sorry, but on the other hand.....WAY too many details, much better than not enough, as TisMy had pointed out.

SO, Let's take a look at your replies to the list there, and hopefully we can figure something out.

Just an FYI: I will look, as I THINK I have a short doc about making a Technicians power cord, that should force the charge to happen, not sure of the details, but I know it was described as what they use when sent it, for situations like this, I will look for it for you.

Looking forward, I hope that we can figure this out for you.

All the best......S


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Nov 10, 2012
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1. I did not call tech support. the phone was given to me by my fiance's cousin. She had bought an Iphone 4S and knew I wanted a droid.
2. It was after the third attempt that it did not charge or boot back up. I have tried a battery pull and even let it sit on the AC charger for a night.
2a. Nope. Will nor work using any connection or without.
3. It is the factory cable that I am using.
4. Android 4.0.4 (ICS) and never rooted. Cleared out all personal data and apps that were not stock.
5. In all honesty, I can not remember why I was trying to flashback. I had updated the OS through the stock update utility in the phone, via WiFi. I was trying to root the phone to "unlock" (I would presume it is called GSM unlock) the phone to use with a prepaid AT&T service.
6. I made sure it was MTP and that that it was in Debug Mod
7. I have attempted several times to get the ADB drivers. The only times it would show up in device manager as an ADB device was in Fastboot mode. I have gone through an array of methods to try and bring up the ADB connection but to no avail. I have installed all of the latest drivers that my PC would get and even have MotoHelper to help windows with it. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times, but nothing.
8. I used option 1 "Fastboot Restore" when I had the Bionic set up in Debug mode and in MTP. (I assumed it would help me get the ADB connection Guess I was wrong). I Brought up the Boot menu and placed the phone in Fastboot mode. once the Batman utility was set, I connected the phone to the PC and attempted to Flashback. the utility said it failed and the phone reset. I attempted the same steps again. Again, failed and phone reset. I plugged in the phone to the AC charger to let it charge for a few hours. Then I repeated the previous steps. Utility said it fail and the phone shut down. I tried to boot it back up, but it didn't work. I have tried it on the AC charger, without it plugged into anything, and in the PC USB slot. Nothing.
9. Batman Utility version 1.82
10.After the seconcd attempt I booted the phone up normally. Everything was fine and functioning. So I Shut it down and let it charge.

11. i have attempted the recovery but the phone will simply not do anything. It will not go into the boot menu or start up normally.

Thank you for taking the time to help.