Download The Android M Clock App Now!


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Oct 6, 2011
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I know it has probably felt like we have been Android M central and should rename the site to since we have been pretty heavy on the M coverage these past few days, but whats really more exciting than an all new version of Android! While the masses won't see Android M for quite a while we can all enjoy bits and pieces of the new version of Android as these pieces are ported to our device and released online as individual apps. The Android M clock is now here in APK form, and is ready for you to use on your device. The Android M clock allows you to start your week on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday which is pretty cool for those of you that may feel like your week really starts on a day other than monday (those who don't really know what a weekend is I feel your pain I work on the weekends too). Grab the APK from the link below.

via apkmirror