Cant find photos


New Member
Jun 2, 2011
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Hi thanks for looking at this. I have a Droid incredible and one day it restarted on me when i was browsing the web. When it rebooted it looked like it had been restored to its factory default settings and i had to go through the setup process i did when i first got the phone. I had to reinstall all my apps and all my settings were reset. So basically i lost everyting stored on the phone memory. I have done a lot to restore it to the way it was before. I had a micro sd card in the phone where i saved all my photos to but when I tried to recover them and save them to my pc, I couldn't find the ones i took with my camera. I looked it in the dcim folder and they are not there. Is there any other place they could be saved to? A lot of those photos have sentimental value and are important to me. I have windows 7 home premium 64-bit if it helps.

Thanks for responding