Can't change Profile Photos for LiveProfile, FB, & Twitter


New Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I just got a shiny new Droid X yesterday and am trying to set it up. I changed the wallpaper to a picture from my files, and that went fine. But my biggest problem with switching to Droid from Bberry was the loss of my BBM, so I downloaded Liveprofile, which I think Im gonna love, but I ran into a problem - I can't set up my user photo! Each time I've tried, I choose a pic from my "Photo files" & it says "Your user photo was not changed". I thought this was a LiveProfile problem, so I e-mailed them, but then when I went to set up my FB & Twitter, I had another photo issue --> When I tried to change my profile pic for Twitter, it let me choose and crop the photo, then after it said updating photo, there was no change. When I went back to my homescreen, the new twitter photo I picked had replaced my wallpaper. Why are my photo settings so wacky? Can anyone help with this? Thanks,


Robinson Littrell

New Member
Dec 17, 2010
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I'm having a problem with my profile photo too. on the home screen widget "social status," my picture is of a random square taken from my profile picture on facebook. i've changed my profile picture on facebook and my contact icon in my phone for my own personal contact profile. what do i do?


New Member
Jan 11, 2012
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Hi hope this comes as so,e help if not to you then someone else . The problem I experienced with the android fb app was that I could not change my fb profile pic with the app as it would force close . I could however change my profile pic when I used my inbuilt browser. even though it was on the mobile version of the sight.