Annoying Beeping


New Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Needs a writable /system ?

I was able to add custom notifications to the /system filesystem using adb shell remounting readwrite and copying the files to the correct locations using adb push see :motdroidhoriz:Write on the Android Read-only file system « PocketMagic
I had the same problem with the notification sound just making a ringing sound upon phone startup. It may be that the phone doesn't want to play a long sound upon startup? If you want to make it stop go on your phone here:

menu -> settings -> sounds & display -> uncheck the "SD card notifications" box.

Then you won't have any startup sound. It will play for other notifications. If you wanted it to play when your phone boots up, sorry can't help there.

good luck

Thank you for the suggestion, I actually already have it set like that. I just really want to know why, what I'm trying, isn't working.