Alternative to MotoCast + Backup Assistant Plus for Downloading Photos


New Member
Apr 14, 2012
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I need your help. I'm running a MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.8. I take lots of pictures of my kids on my phone - Moto Droid Razr 2.3.6 XT912/916. I've created a photo archive on a terabyte drive and am not interested going to the cloud -- I simply want to use my phone to create a USB connection to move images to my harddrive.


A. How do I use my phone as a USB connection without having MotoCast or Backup Assistant Plus running in the background?

B. Images on my phone are not recognized as images by my Mac. Do I need to convert the files to another format?


1. Backup Assistant Plus generally crashes. It sometime recognized my Droid as Moto Driod XT912/916 and in some instances as Droid Razr.

2. I've tried to use the "Get Photos and Videos from your handset" window as a way to automatically download photo files onto my drive but when I get to naming the new folder Backup Assistant Plus freezes.

3. When I try to manually pull the images down I receive an error window "No Images on the memory card meet the download conditions. I'm using the Verizon memory card that came with the phone to access 4G networks.

MANY THANKS for your time and feedback.
