All New Cannibal Open Touch Recovery


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Oct 6, 2011
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All the Rom and Mod fun started back in the day with the Clock Work Mod custom Recovery by Koush on early devices like the OG Droid. Clock Work Mod was the old standby for a good year or so. As screens got bigger, and Android devices started shipping with capacitive buttons vs hard ware buttons a new recovery was released. Team Win Recovery Project brought large user friendly touchable buttons which made the custom recovery experience super intuitive. Since then there have been a handful of recoveries based on the two top dog recoveries including Philz Touch Recovery, Shabby Penguin Recovery and several others.

If you have been using Roms for a while you may be ready for an updated recovery experience. An all new recovery has been released. Project Open Cannibal has released the Cannibal Open Touch Recovery which is based on the new CyanogenMod Recovery. There are lots of features including a full touch UI, complete theme support, an option to backup and restore via adb, and more. This recovery is compatible with the Nexus lineup, OnePlus One, and Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Head to the link below for more information and downloads.
