
  1. DroidModderX

    Samsung Now Allows You To Disable The Bixby Button

    The Bixby Button is Samsung's attempt to get those using their millions of new handsets to use the Samsung created voice assistant. Bixby is their answer to Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. In some ways it can actually do more than either voice assistant. On the Galaxy S8 and Note 8 Bixby can...
  2. DroidModderX

    Samsung Will Indeed Be Making A Smart Speaker

    Amazon has the Echo and Google has the home. Earlier in the year there was plenty of speculation that Samsung would be creating their very own smart speaker to compete in this market however Samsung quickly shot down those ideas. Apparently they have had a change of heart. DJ Koh, Samsung's...
  3. DroidModderX

    Bixby Voice Delayed Until Fall

    Samsung has had a tough time getting Bixby to really take off. They just opened up an Early Access Program for Bixby Voice for Galaxy S8 and S8+ users and are apparently getting complaints of the service not being satisfactory when it comes to results when responding to requests and questions...
  4. DroidModderX

    Samsung Rolling Out Bixby Voice Assistant In South Korea

    One of the big disappointments with the Samsung Galaxy S8 launch is the fact that the Bixby voice assistant was not ready to go. Many have already dismissed Bixby as a redundant tool as all Galaxy phones with Nougat already include Google Assistant. Bixby feels like a one to one copy of Google...
  5. DroidModderX

    Samsung Won't Allow You To Remap The Bixby Button On The Galaxy S8

    Samsung is apparently all in on their Bixby voice assistant creation. When Bixby was launched it was a bit confusing. Why did it need to exist on a phone that runs Android which already includes Google Assist? Bixby seemed a bit redundant. For those of us who will never use Bixby being able to...
  6. DroidModderX

    You Can Remap The Bixby Button To Open Another App On The Galaxy S8

    Bixby was one of the main selling points when the Galaxy S8 was announced at Samsung's unpacked event. The feature didn't get the sort of fan fare that Samsung had expected, and kind of had everyone scratching their heads. Why would Samsung spend so much time and effort to create a me too app...
  7. DroidModderX

    Enjoy Bixby On Your Nougat Samsung Right Now!

    One of the key features announced at the Galaxy S8 unpacked event was the all new Bixby assistant. This feature is set to rival Google's assistant and Siri on iPhones. The feature will be built into the Galaxy S8 and will feature its own Bixby dedicated button to activate the assistant on...
  8. DroidModderX

    Here Is A Quick Hands On Video Of Bixby On The Galaxy S8

    There seems to be no end to the amount of blurry videos and photos coming out of Korea ahead of the Galaxy S8 launch. No matter how much Samsung has stressed to its employees not to leak the device it seems this device has been leaked like no other device before it. Today we get a blurry glimpse...
  9. DroidModderX

    Samsung Just Announced Their New Bixby AI Assistant!

    We have been hearing rumors for the past several months that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8 would include a new artificial intelligence assistant at release called Bixby. Samsung has just officially announced bixby, but it looks like it will be available for more than just the Galaxy S8...
  10. DroidModderX

    Samsung Confirms AI Assistant For The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus

    While we have seen just about everything we need to know about the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus just about none of the information we have has been officially confirmed. We have been hearing for a few months that Samsung would include a new artificial intelligence virtual assistant called Bixby with...
  11. DroidModderX

    Bixby and Kestra Voice Assistants Coming To Samsung Devices

    One of the main rumors surrounding the Galaxy S8 is that Samsung will be developing their very own voice assistant to compete with Google Assistant and Siri. This is said to be a game changing feature for Galaxy devices. These rumors may have just been confirmed as Samsung just trademarked a...