Voice Actions for Android 2.2

I have Contacts sync on and still have the problem of it not understanding names, even if I over-enunciate everything.
Where could I find that new desk clock app? Every time I go to the site it says that they're working on a fix.

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I have Contacts sync on and still have the problem of it not understanding names, even if I over-enunciate everything.

Make sure that you have the contacts sync box and the auto sync box checked. I didn't try this but you might try rebooting the phone and/or uninstalling and reinstalling the app update. But for me, the sync thing did it...
I think it depends on how complicated and how unique your contact names are. And if you're using it with bluetooth how effective of a microphone or pickup device your headset has.

While I love these new Voice Search capabilities, I've never found it effective enough for voice commands while driving. It always messes up trying to identify the right contact, or whether I want to use the contact's home or mobile number, etc. And worse, often I can't hang up quickly enough. In my experience it just isn't good enough for handsfree phone use while drving. (And btw, I am fully synched with Google.)

That said, true voice commands that bluetooth headsets understand under other OS'es were really not that effective either. Not that I compare WinMobile with Android very often, but WinMobile's bluetooth headset voice command implementation is very effective, yet I always also had the same issue with contacts in that environment.

Maybe my contacts' names are just too complicated, but to me, the technology just isn't there yet. I expect we're going to see a number of upgrades before we really get voice commands that are safe enough to use while driving.
Maybe I am seraching for the wrong thing in the market, but when I search for "Voice Actions" there is no such free app.
I searched the market for this and did not find for free. Do you need it for the X?

It's only available for devices running Froyo (2.2). Unless you've rooted and installed a leaked Droid X 2.2 rom, you won't find it in the market.
I think it depends on how complicated and how unique your contact names are. And if you're using it with bluetooth how effective of a microphone or pickup device your headset has.

While I love these new Voice Search capabilities, I've never found it effective enough for voice commands while driving. It always messes up trying to identify the right contact, or whether I want to use the contact's home or mobile number, etc. And worse, often I can't hang up quickly enough. In my experience it just isn't good enough for handsfree phone use while drving.

I'm using an $8 delivered Chinese no-name headset. As in I got it on eBay delivered from Hong Kong for $8. Total. Now that I know how to do it I've had almost no problems with BTVD provided I'm running the right voice dialer (CM 6 came with a broken one, unfortunately). I've found the trick is all in how you say it:

In a loud, clear voice, say "Call Melanie Brown" as naturally as possible instead of "Call. Mel-Ah-Nee. Brow-nn." Also, wait half a second after your headset says "Speak now." because if you've ever watched it while trying to BTVD it sometimes takes a second after you hear that before the recording becomes active. As for hanging up in time, I keep my finger on the button while I'm waiting so if I get that annoying "dial 8-6-7-5-2-0-etc" I hit the button again to hang up.

Why the heck is it always "dial 8" as the first number when it glitches? :)