transfering sub folders to new phone help


New Member
ok all
im going to be upgrading from the X2 to the razr but my BIG gripe about porting info from one phone to a nother is all my sub folders in my address book are lost!!! i have folders for work contacts,vendors, five in all the four times i have replaced my phone with a refurb or upgrade the folders labled my group in my address book do not return!!!
also my color notes could any one help me find the folder that contain them so i could copy the entire folder and save it to my laptop and drop it in my new phone ? that info also is lost on the transfer.
and last but not least all my favrite links in bookmarked would love to not half to hunt all the sites i use for work every day and reinstall them on my new phone.
must be an easy button for this some whare???


New Member
well i have found out i can reinstall all my apps from a list in the app store and my color notes also reinstall all by them self no too but im still trying to figure out how to save the sub folders in my contacts list under my groups.
and still havent figured out how to save the web links still.
new phone will be in next week.