Oddball charging issue


Nov 13, 2009
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So I get the PLUG YOUR PHONE IN NOW battery almost depleted message.
I plug in the phone, about an hour later check it, it is at 20%. Seems low even for the PC USB port charging for an hour, but figure it is just me.
Check it an hour later, it is still at 20%, plus the battery door is pretty hot.
unplug cable, PC makes the normal USB unplugged sound.
Plug it back in, PC makes detected USB sound.
Droid X set to USB Charge Only.
Come back hour later, still 20%, still hot.
unplug, poweroff, but it doesn't poweroff, it restarts.
OK, whatever. plug it back in, wait an hour, still 20%.
Poweroff (which it does this time) and battery pull.
Upon starting, it charged just fine.
Same cable (came with phone) and USB port I always use to charge.

Any ideas?
Interesting because I always charge from the USB mostly because I just leave the cable plugged in at both home and work.
Takes a little longer than the wall adapter, but not that big a deal.
Yeah, I switch between USB and the AC adapter and, though the USB is slower, it definitely charges fine. I do see that the battery does get warm sometimes but not excessively so. Sounds to me like the charging circuit on your phone is faulty or the battery is defective. Time to call Verizon or go to a local Verizon store and see about getting it replaced or tested.