native Music player starts up randomly!


Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Every so often, my music player will start all by itself, playing a random song with a playlist of random songs. I'll turn off party shuffle, clear the playlist, and kill the app. Sometimes it comes right back on with another random playlist. There's no settings menu for it, so I don't know what I can do. Please help.
I have been having the same problem. It only does it when you plug in a 3.5mm jack to an input on a car or home stereo. Headphones seem ok??? Someone else said about an app called autostart to stop the app from starting automatically. Going to look into it.
same prob

I'm having the same problem. got my x replaced and the new one didn't do it for a month, now it's started again, mostly happens with headphones, but can happen with car. mostly when i'm moving around, which make me think that a little slack in the jack is causing it to send a signal similar to headset buttons to start playing music or something to that effect. moto needs to update froyo to solve the problem, but everyone needs to contact them telling them that it's a widespread problem, give details, and that sending new phones one after another isn't going to solve the problem. ha, it's really annoying me. hope someone finds a solution wether or not it's moto, i don't care