Solved Losing network connection while moving, although I have WiFi signal


New Member
Oct 28, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Lenovo A536
Hello! I searched in internet for a problem like mine, but didn't find anything that corresponds 100% to my issue.
At University I use the public network Eduroam, which is accessed trough student ID and pass. While moving between the different areas of the Uni, I see in Facebook Messenger, that I have lost internet access, although I have a good WiFi signal. The moment that I turn off and then back on WiFi everything is fine, but then I maybe walk to a different room or place in the building and the same thing happens. Something makes me think that this happens when I walk trough the different zones, where WiFi is broadcasted from different routers and even though I get the signal back, my phone seems to not register that I have access to internet. I don't know whether this happens only at Uni, because there are no other big buildings with multiple rooters that I visit, but the others seem not to have this problem. However, a girl with the same model telephone as mine seems to have the same issue. I made sure I have all the internet settings right, I even used special program that made the settings of Eduroam network for me, this doesn't seem to help. I turned off all the wifi security and battery saving options from my antivirus program and from the system menu in my phone, this also didn't help. Any ideas? Or it is just that my phone sucks?

Thanks in advance.

Lenovo A536
Android 4.4.2
Given that you've met someone else with the same phone & the same issue, I'd venture to guess that it might be the phone having a problem switching between access points, as you've considered yourself.
What can I do about it? Is there an App that automatically restarts the WiFi, when it notices that the connection is lost? Is there another solution?
Thanks in advance.
I would think it should eventually realize that it's lost the signal from the previous access point & grab the new one.

How long have you let it go before turning it off & on?
Actually if I don't turn it off & on, it would stay disconnected forever. For example I look at my phone 30 minutes after the last time I used it and see that there is no connection.
ok, problem solved. If anyone ever has the same problem:
WiFi Reconnect - Android Apps on Google Play
What the app does is check if you have a connection. If not, it simply restarts WIFI.
As options in the App Communication method: HTTP worked fine.
Have a nice day, guys :)
What is your phone make and model so we can have a particular device to attach to this issue? It's just for future reference, in case someone else has the same issue.