Got wireless skull Candy headphones w mic


Senior Member
It paired w iPhone mini but couldn't pair also w Z2 force
Can it paired w one btooth device at a Tim
Is it not compatible w Android
Any one got ideas why don't work on my z2

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Diamond Member
Most Bluetooth headphones that I have ever owned can only be paired with one phone at a time. That could be the case here.

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Senior Member
It turns out your correct but my car blue tooth which is a car headphone so to speak can do two user.profiles lol so I think they should make it an option in blue headsets in a priority order of proximity.

Anybody like that idea?

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Platinum Member
The Phaiser series of BT headphones actually can pair simultaneously with two devices. But only one can be a phone. So you can pair to a tablet for games/media, and still answer your cell phone

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Senior Member
I don't think I have that series I will ha e to look into it

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Senior Member
I also saw at Best buy and Target the skull candy hash 2 series which let's you use wireless and when battery runs out you can use regular audio cable not sure if it does phone calls(ie does it have a mic)

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Senior Member
Ooohhh! I guess I missed that part. Sorry

Sent from my Tab S4 10.5
Or anything that is non ear buds but yet does not look like a five year olds old fashioned sterio headset either. Something modern and comfortable with out anything that goes in the ear cannel, which irates me..

Any ideas?

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