Freezing and shutting down?


Dec 13, 2010
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I've been contemplating buying a Droid X for a while now, especially after reading all the rave reviews and was seriously about to take the plunge. However, lately I've read more than a few complaints about the phone freezing up since the 2.2 Android upgrade, and other issues such as the unit shutting down spontaneously. These negative aspects concern me.

So my question is: Have any of you been experiencing issues with constant freezing or shut-downs???? Does this have to do with the upgrade? I'm wondering if I go out and buy this phone tomorrow, I might have the same problems. Any thoughts?
I'd like to modify this question in hope that someone can shed some light. After the issues users were having with freezing and shutting down following the Froyo update, has there been a software update to fix any bugs? If so, does this mean if I purchase the Droid X right now - end of December 2010- will the phone be free of that issue/bug?
will the phone be free of that issue/bug?

If it runs software it'll never be issue/bug free....

And remember the majority of people that post here start posting due to an issue, compliant or rant.
I have had my X now for 2 months and I have never had the issue you speak of yet. I am not rooted, just a stock X with about 20 market apps. I love mine so much I convinced my fiance to get one as well. She had had hers 1 week today and also had had no issues.

Sent from my Verizon Droid X
No bugs. Upate is fine. Most people with bugs are because they are self-induced. VZW has to accept responsibility because the customer is always right.
I bought my Droid X back in July the day they were released. I didn't have any problems with it until I did the 2.2 os upgrade. After a complete reboot it's fine until I use the music player. At that point it will become very jumpy especially in the music player and even if I stop playing music or audio books it will frequently freeze. I end up having to remove the back cover and pull the battery and then reboot to get it to work at all.

I've also noticed since the upgrade that it is much more sluggish. Yesterday I even backed everything up and did a system restore. It didn't really help and was just a pain. I'm going to take it back to Verizon and see if they can give me the old OS or a new Droid X because I'm wondering if the original versions had something different in their makeup that make them unable to accept the new os. Maybe that is just wishful thinking, but I loved my Droid X before the upgrade. It was the fastest, most fun phone I've ever had until I upgraded it. Now I'm pretty frustrated with all the freezing and not being able to play my music and audio books on it.

I'll post again if I find any solutions.

I am on my 3 rd x the one I have now and the previous one both had major issues after the upgrade

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Ok, so I've been doing some extensive online searches. I've read articles from a few months ago which stated that Motorola had identified the bug(s) from the Froyo 2.2 update and planned on releasing an update 'fix' soon. (This was back in October I believe).

Does anyone know of a 'fix' that was announced or released from Motorola that would resolve these issues? Without that fix for any potential issues, I'm hesitant to put my money on this phone.
Ok, so I've been doing some extensive online searches. I've read articles from a few months ago which stated that Motorola had identified the bug(s) from the Froyo 2.2 update and planned on releasing an update 'fix' soon. (This was back in October I believe).

Does anyone know of a 'fix' that was announced or released from Motorola that would resolve these issues? Without that fix for any potential issues, I'm hesitant to put my money on this phone.

Bugs, other than the stock music player being crap...which like everything else, I use a different more user smooth app anyways, there are no bugs. Just I'll fated users that don't know how to set up their dx, or don't understand how the android os works. Of course moto calls them bugs. I call bs.

Think about how many "articles" or posts or threads you've read vs how many dx's are out there running without issue...

"what evrrrrr"
ive had my x for about 2 mos. now, and overall its a pretty sick phone. But in the last few days, it seems, ive lost my ability to speak txt (microphone icon pops up for a split second), and i just noticed my navigation will shut down and return to home screen after i try to input an address.. ive had it lock up on me just once where i had to pull the battery. i love the phone (cant beat the big screen) but im starting to wonder whats up with these issues. App related, maybe?
Had my droid x for a week now. I've had two bad crashes that required me to remove battery to reboot, but I don't think its the phone, think it may be apps. One happened when using hdmi cradle for first time. Been fine since.

Not often enough to regret my decision. None are by surprise, only after changing apps. Hope things improve.

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Yesterday I called Verizon and they shipped me a new replacement DX. Before I got the new one today I reformatted my SD card on my original DX and the phone started working great again. I didn't load any music onto the card and try that, but I'll be doing that shortly with the new phone which I'm currently setting up.
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The only issue I have experienced ia with the stock music player. Caused phone to freeze requiring battery pull. I don't use it for music anyway, if I did, there are better music apps out there.

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